Page 62 of Missing

Beth put Chase’s booster in my back seat while I put my bag in bed. As soon as I closed the cover, Jamie and Jack pulled me aside and told me the same thing AJ had, only Jack added, “welcome to the family,” before shaking my hand. He pulled me into a one-armed hug and pounded me on the back. Jamie did the same.

In that moment I realized I finally had the family I’d always wanted. A family who had my back, without question or judgment. SSI was here for me, no strings attached.

Chapter 31


Doug tried to convince me to go to bed, but I couldn’t. There was no way I could rest while Chase was missing. My head throbbed, and my chest was tight with fear. Falling asleep would be impossible.

So I’d thought.

After we got home, Doug sat on the couch with his laptop and patted the space next to him. “Want to help me search some more?”

I nodded and sat down. One second, I was waiting for Doug to pull up the footage from the third camera, and the next I was waking up in a panic as the memories rushed back in.

Chase is missing!

If he’d been found, someone would have called me. It was still dark outside.

Maybe I didn’t hear my phone.I grabbed it and checked my messages.

Nothing. I checked the time: six-forty-seven.

When I heard my name, I jumped up and snapped my head towards the kitchen.

How had I forgotten about Doug?

“I’m making coffee. If I scramble some eggs, will you try to eat?”

“Yeah, okay.” I had to go to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.”

He nodded.

I washed my face and pulled my hair into a ponytail.I can’t believe I fell asleep.

When I came back to the kitchen, Doug handed me a mug and told me to sit while he finished making the eggs.

“Doug, thank you for all your help.” I wanted to say more but couldn’t find the words to express the depth of my gratitude. Not only was he searching for Chase, but he was taking care of me.

“You’re welcome.”

We ate for a few minutes in silence, Doug’s mostly closed laptop sitting beside him.

Even though I knew the answer, I had to ask. “Did you find anything on the videos yet?”

“I’m sorry.” He glanced at his laptop. “I dozed off before I finished. I’ll start again as soon as we finish breakfast.”

“No need to apologize. You needed sleep too,” I said hoping to put his mind at ease. He had no reason to feel guilty after doing so much for me and Chase.

“I did. The few hours I got will help me think more clearly.” He finished the last bite of his eggs before continuing. “Do you want to stay here, or go to the office?”

I couldn’t stop the tremors in my voice when I answered, “I think I’d rather be at the office, trying to be useful.” I was blinking a lot, trying to hold back my tears and failing. “Can I take a shower first?”

“Of course.” Doug picked up our plates. “Mind if I take one too?”

“No. I’ll get you a clean towel.” I forced myself to do and say the things I knew I was supposed to say and do.

I tried not to fall apart as I showered faster than I ever had before.Every second matters.