Page 53 of Missing

“I’m glad you did… Beth, I’m sorry.” I could hear him struggling to hold back his emotions.

“I forgive you.” I’d already told him that, but it sounded like he needed to hear it again. “Doug, please don’t beat yourself up and don’t drive yourself crazy thinking about what if scenarios.”

“Thanks, I’ll try.”

“Good.” It really wouldn’t do him any good to wallow in what could have happened. I knew, because I drove myself mad the first time it had happened to me.

“I had fun with you guys today, despite the hiccup, and-”

“Oh, I like that. Makes it sound less scary.”


“I’m sorry, I cut you off. Continue.”

“Just tell me when and I’ll take you both to The Chocolatier.”

We talked for a few more minutes before I started yawning, prompting us to say goodbye.

I took a shower before bed, hoping it’d help me relax so sleep would come easier.

It didn’t.

Ignoring the advice I’d given to Doug; I kept thinking about all the things that could have gone wrong today.

Chapter 27


Late Wednesday morning my phone buzzed—Chase’s daycare. They usually sent texts throughout the day with updates, pictures and other mundane things. They only called for questions or problems, so I always answered.

Like when Chase fell and bumped his head.

Luckily, Mary understood what it was like to be a working mom and let me take their calls while I was on the clock.

I knew this call was different the instant I heard Angela’s panic- laced voice.

Time stopped. My breath caught in my throat.

“What happened? Is Chase okay?” Dreading what she might say, I walked to the break room for privacy.

“Can you come to the park? We can’t find Chase. Weatherford PD is on their way.” I felt the color drain from my face as my knees buckled underneath me. I landed in the chair with a thud.

The PD! He’s been gone long enough for them to call the PD.

Terror stole my voice. Chase was missing.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Mary’s touch startled me out of my paralysis. I forced myself to take a deep breath before answering Angela, “I’m on my way.”

Before I could say anything, Mary said, “Go. I’ll call John.”

My sweaty hands shook as I untied my apron. Mary took it from me and handed me my purse. I dug out my keys as I ran to my car.

I’m going to be sick.

I didn’t have time to be sick, so I swallowed down the impulse and started my car. The park was less than twenty minutes away, but it might as well have been on the other side of the state given how desperately I needed to be there.