Page 39 of Missing

I pulled up the Smith & Wesson YouTube channel and found a video on cleaning the M&P. I watched it to refresh my memory, then hit replay following along as I broke it down and cleaned it.

It took me longer than it should have because I was out of practice, but I eventually got it cleaned and put back together. After doing a function test, which my instructor, not Phil, had taught me, I put it back in the case and returned it to the safe.

It wouldn’t do me any good in the safe, but I didn’t have any way to lock it up in my room. I made a mental note to call John in the morning and get some advice on renewing my LTC, talking to Chase about gun safety, and getting a small safe.

I added one final thing to my list—find a babysitter for the first Wednesday of the month so I could go to the Women’s Shooting Club meetings with the girls.

Chapter 21


When Beth’s name popped up on my screen Thursday afternoon, I got up and closed the door. AJ was on assignment so I had the office to myself. Which was good, because the excitement in Beth’s voice meant she found a sitter for Friday night.

I didn’t need a mirror to know my smile was stupidly big. AJ would never let me hear the end of it, had he seen it.

“Nina has to be home by ten Saturday morning.”

“That won’t be a problem.” My mind was already thinking of all the ways we could fill the morning hours before she had to head home.Does she like to sleep in on her days off?

I planned on cooking for Beth, hoping to impress her with my culinary skills.

“Do you have any food allergies, or is there anything you don’t like?”

“No allergies and I’ll try just about anything.”

That made planning the menu easier. “Great. Want me to pick you up?” It was a date, after all.

“That’s okay, I’ll drive. Nina’s available after six, so let’s plan for six-thirty.”

“Perfect. I’ll text you my address.”

“Sounds good. Can I bring anything?”

“Just yourself and whatever you need for the night.”


It sounded like she wanted to say more, so I waited. When she didn’t, I said, “Beth, you know you can change your mind right?” I wouldn’t be mad, disappointed for sure, but not mad. I’d respect her decision.

I reminded myself there was no guarantee we’d sleep together, even if she stayed the night. Hell, we could be naked in bed, me between her legs with only half an inch separating me from heaven, and she could still change her mind.

If she didn’t want it to happen, it wouldn’t.But I hope it does. I’d been thinking about getting Beth into my bed for longer than I cared to admit, and was ready to exchange the fantasy for reality.

“I know. It’s not that. It’s just… it’s been a while, that’s all.”

The slight tremble to her voice gave away her nervousness.

“We can go as slow as you want or need. No pressure, I promise.”

I could hear her tension subsiding as she said, “Thank you, Doug.”

Beth relaxed more as we talked for a few more minutes.

After we hung up, I checked my email to make sure there were no new messages then started making a list of things I needed at the grocery store. I wanted to make chicken cacciatore, a dish I’d fallen in love with when I was stationed in Italy. I’d loved the food there so much that before returning stateside, I went shopping for a cookbook. I could have looked online, but I liked the idea of getting an Italian cookbook in Italy. I hit the jackpot when I found one filled with old world Italian recipes.

I’d made a few of the recipes, and liked them. This one was my favorite.

I hope she likes it. I’d made it for my ex once, but she’d complained about the carbs and always asked for something else whenever I suggested making it. At least Beth wasn’t anti-pasta, though given the number of times she made mac and cheese she might want something different.