Page 31 of Missing

“Of course.”

Something in my voice must have sounded off because she asked, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Then because I figured she’d still worry, I added, “nothing but a few scratches, I promise.”

“The kind of scratches that barely bleed, or the kind that need stitches?”

I couldn’t blame Meg for not trusting any of us if we said we had a scratch. Early in her relationship with Jack, he’d told her a wound was only a scratch. It had required sixteen stitches. She’d been giving us all shit ever since.

“The barely bleed kind.”

“Good. I’ll call Will’s parents. See you soon.”

I looked at the clock on my dashboard.Fuck. It was almost five, and I was supposed to see Beth tonight after Chase went to bed. I had no idea what time I’d get home, or if I’d be good company.

“Doug?” Meg sounded worried.

“Yeah, sorry.”

“Need me to do anything else?”

“No, I’m good. Just let me know once you’ve reached Will’s parents.”

“Will do. Drive safe.”

“Thanks.” I checked on Will, who was staring out the window, looking dazed.


While Will ate, I texted Beth and asked to reschedule. I apologized and told her there was some trouble on my assignment.

Are you okay?

I am.

Good. Next time lead with that.

Noted. Sorry.

I owe Beth on hell of an apology when I got home.I’d call later and give her a proper explanation.

Will's parents met me at the office. It felt good to see them reunited with their son. I hoped he’d get the help he needed and stay sober. As soon as the they, Meg, Jack, and I locked up.

I walked back to my truck on autopilot, wanting nothing more than to go home and take a long, hot shower to wash the day off my skin. And maybe have a Right Side to help take the edge off.

Chapter 17


The first text I got from Doug was a request to reschedule and an apology for the late notice. The second said he he ran into some trouble with his assignment.

Trouble?What kind of trouble?Is he hurt?

My heart skipped a beat as a dozen scenarios flashed through my mind: none of them good.

Fear set in as I remembered how I felt the day I gotthatknock on the door.

The day the County Sherriff came to our home to tell me Phil was dead.