“She loves orchids, but that’s not a good first date flower. I know she likes daisies and sunflowers. Want me to order some?”
I had a feeling this was a test. “Nah, I got it. Thanks.”
Her smile told me I’d passed. Meg was more than a receptionist—she was the heart of SSI. She kept us all organized, and made our clients feel comfortable and at ease. Not an easy task considering people didn’t come to see us unless they needed help or protection. She even kept our coffee fresh, and the water and snack counter stocked, though it wasn’t part of her job.
“Good boy,” she said with a smirk.
“How long have you known?” I asked. “And have you told Jack?” I shouldn’t have felt nervous, but I did. Meg’s opinion of me mattered. I hadn’t known her long, but I had mad respect for her. She was one of those people who’d gone through hell and come out stronger for it. The abuse she’d suffered didn’t break her, and now she used her experience to help others.
She blushed before answering, “I talked to Beth and Mary on Tuesday, but Beth made me promise not to say anything. And yes, I told Jack, but I made him promise not to say anything.”
I laughed, surprised she’d been able to keep quiet for so long. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Meg had the expression she always got when she was dying to say something but holding back. “Go on, say it,” I said with a smile.
“I’m happy for you guys,” she paused and looked back at Jack’s door, “can I tell Jack it’s okay to talk about it now?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’m sure everyone knows by now, so no point trying to pretend otherwise.” I found that despite having a few nerves about the whole situation, I didn’t actually mind everyone knowing;not that it would matter if I did.
Meg clapped her hands together, and said, “This is so exciting." He fingers flew over the keyboard. My suspicion, that she was messaging Jack, was confirmed a few seconds later when Jack walked out of his office. AJ was half a second behind.
“What’s up?” Jack asked as he walked to her desk.
“It’s not a secret anymore.” Meg didn’t try to hide her excitement.I shouldn’t complain. They could be against us dating.
“Congrats man,” Jack shook my hand as he asked, “Where are you taking her for lunch?” At the same time AJ said, “Congrats, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
From what I knew about AJ, that was a very short list. Though I had a feeling he was mostly all talk. He had a lot more respectfor women than he let on.Someone must have fucked him over. I didn’t have a chance to answer their questions because Jamie came out of his office and joined our huddle. He didn’t have time to ask what was going on before Meg told him about my date. He smiled at Meg and shook his head before shaking my hand.
“You knew, huh?” I asked.
“Yeah, sorry man, it’s impossible to keep something like that a secret around here.” He looked at Meg.
She quickly defended herself. “Hey, your mom told your dad. It’s not all on me.”
“It’s no big deal. Thanks for letting me be the one to bring it up.” I looked at Jack. “Has she been driving you crazy all week?”
“You have no idea,” Jack said with feigned exasperation.
“Hey, I’m right here.” Meg punched him in the arm.
“Anyway, I’m happy for you two.” Jamie said before asking, “You still coming over tonight?”
“Yeah, anything I should bring, besides beer?”
“Your gaming controller,” Jack answered. He and Meg were still living with Jamie, but only until the renovations were done on their house. Since Jamie wasn’t in a hurry to get rid of them, they were taking their time and saving money by doing as much of the work as they could on their own. With our help, of course.
Chapter 9
Between work, Chase’s tee ball, and running errands the week flew by. Doug stopped by Grannie’s a few times during the week, flirting a little each time. Nothing too open or wild, just the occasional wink or brush of the hand.
And a lot of grins and smiles from both of us.
I always felt ten years younger after he left.
We texted a few nights, after Chase was in bed. There was nothing overly flirty or sexual about our conversations, but I went to bed with a head full of romantic fantasies anyway. It’d been a long time since I’d felt the thrill of anticipation before adate, and a long time since I’d had the pleasure of a man in my bed.