Page 104 of Missing

“The fact Jones wrote her a referral suggests she’s leaving on good terms,” Jack added.

More consenting murmurs.

“Any reason I shouldn’t bring her in for an interview?” John asked.

We all chuckled when AJ said, “She seemed a bit uptight when she helped us find Chase, but that might be the suit the feds make her wear." Every one of us had worn a suit for executive protection duty assignments, and every one of us joked about not liking how stiff and formal it felt.

He had a point, if she was uptight all the time would she be a good fit? We were a small private company and didn’t do things like the FBI. I finished my thought out loud, “Maybe that’s why she’s looking to join the private sector.”

“If there’s no objections, I’ll call her and set up an interview.” John picked up the next resume. “Let’s review the rest of the candidates.”

By the time John dismissed us from the meeting, we’d narrowed it down to seven candidates for John to interview; two for the full-time position, the rest for the part-time positions.

I looked at my watch, five-thirty, and smiled.I’m done for the day. I packed up my gear then raced home to clean up.

I didn’t want to be late for my dinner date with Beth and Chase.

Chapter 53


Doug spent Thanksgiving with me, my mom, and Chase. He’d come over early to help me prep and to watch Chase. When I said goodbye to pick up my mom, he told me not to worry; he and Chase wouldn’t let anything happen to the turkey. Chase had giggled, because it didn’t make any sense to him, but it was Doug’s way of telling me he had everything under control.

I loved him for it.

Chase was so excited about helping Doug, he barely said goodbye. They were in charge of making the mashed potatoes and mac and cheese while I was gone.

This might be our first holiday together, but it feels natural to have him here.

I stopped by the cemetery, before going to my mom’s. I wanted to wish Phil a happy Thanksgiving in heaven and let him know Chase and I would be okay. I’d told him about Doug on a previous visit, and knew in my heart he’d approve of him, not just for me but for Chase too.

Luckily, my mom was having a good day and had the energy and strength to walk to my car with only her cane for help. I helped her into the car and put her cane in the back seat before getting behind the wheel.

“Doug’s a little nervous about meeting you.” I told her as I pulled out of her driveway.

“As he should be.”

I was happy to hear the hint of mischief in her voice. As her health continued to decline, she had more bad days than good.Thankfully, her mind is still sharp.

“Now Mom, be nice.” I playfully chastised her. I had no doubt she would be. She wanted me to be happy, and she could tell I was from the way my eyes lit up whenever I talked about Doug. Mary said the same thing.

“I will be, but I’m meeting the man courting my daughter for the first time, so I have to make sure he’s good enough for her.” I glanced over in time to see her smirk. She was enjoying this, playing the protective mother.

There was no logical reason for me to be nervous; I knew my mom would like him, and he’d like her. Any doubts I might have had before were removed when I overheard Chase telling her how much he liked Mr. Doug during our last visit.

She’d said, “I have a feeling I’ll like him too because he makes your mom happy.”

Stupid happy tears.

Doug and Chase were setting the table when we walked in. Doug took the orange and brown cloth napkins from Chase so he could greet his grandmother with empty hands. Then walked over after setting down the utensils he’d been setting out.

I loved how Doug found fun ways to include Chase in different chores.They make a great team. It not only strengthened their bond, but it helped teach Chase to be a self-sufficient man. Something I’d sworn I’d do early on and had been working towards since he was old enough to swish a play broom. I didn’t want Chase to be the kind of man woman complained about.

Thankfully, Phil hadn’t been that kind of man.Neither is Doug.

“Chase, why don’t you introduce Grandma to Mr. Doug?” I encouraged after he started listing off all the things he’d done to help us today.

“Okay.” He took my mom’s hand and led her to Doug. I watched to make sure he remembered what I’d told him about being careful. So did Doug.