Not anymore.
And it’s all Beth’s fault.
Friday was a crazy day at work, and I was looking forward to our monthly gaming session at Jamie’s. I was disappointed I wouldn’t see Beth, but she’d be at the monthly Craft and Booze night so even if I didn’t have plans, I wouldn’t get to see her.
Chase was excited he’d get to spend the night with Uncle John and tell him all about what happened at the ice cream shop, again.Please, God, don’t let him mention the sterility part.It was a prayer I found myself repeating daily.
We’d hoped to keep the blip in our relationship to ourselves, but Chase hadn’t been quiet when he whisper-yelled to Meg how he’d saved the day by getting Beth and I back together. Which meant everyone in the area heard him, and anyone who hadn’t, heard it through the grapevine as the day went on.
Thanks, Kid. It was going to take some getting used to; having a kid around to hear, and repeat, everything.
There’d been a few raised eyebrows, and even more questions, but I’d managed to put off answering most of them.
I couldn’t avoid them tonight. I hadn’t even closed the door behind me before Jamie, Jack, and AJ cornered me. They fired questions at me faster than Robin Hood shot arrows.
“Damn, at least let me crack open a beer.” I laughed.
More than one eyebrow raised as I brushed past them, towards the fridge.
Chris, Jamie’s best friend and Emily’s big brother, arrived as I popped the cap off my beer.
“Doug, you remember Chris?”
“Yeah,” I answered as I walked back into the living room, “How’s it going?”
He shook my hand. “Can’t complain.”
We made small talk for a few minutes before AJ said, “Don’t think you’re getting out of it so easily, Sharpe. Fess up.”
I summed up the events in the ice cream parlor, leaving out the details of why we split up and the part about my issues. I had a feeling it would get out eventually, but so far it was still a secret.
“Are you really engaged?” Jack asked. Chase was loudest when he told everyone I wanted to be his dad, and Beth’s husband. He’d even gone so far as to tell Meg he’d walk his mom down the aisle just like he did for her. My heart had almost exploded with joy as I watched; I wanted me to be his dad as much as he did.
“We’ve decided to have a long pre-engagement since we’ve been dating less than two months.”
“Good for you,” AJ said, clapping me on the back.
“Congrats.” Jack shook my hand. “I gotta say, happy looks good on you.”
“Thanks. It feels good.”
Chris added his congratulations.
“You’re a lucky guy. Beth’s a great woman.” Jamie shook my hand before pulling me into a one-armed hug. “And Chase is a great kid.”
“I am.” I felt like a new man. “I never could have guessed how much my life would change when I took the job at SSI. There hasn’t been a single moment I’ve regretted leaving everything behind in Chicago.”
“Dude, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say so many words at once, or sound so alive.” AJ saved me from waxing too poetic.
“Thanks, I think.” I shrugged; grateful he’d interrupted me. I wasn’t used to being the center of attention.
“Do you think you’ll move in with her?” Jamie asked.
“Not yet. We’re going slow because of Chase.”
“He seems eager for you to be his dad,” Jack added.