Page 73 of Missing

In my ear I heard John say, “They’re pulling around front now.”

“What kind did she have?” Beth asked

I shifted my position to block their view of the passing police car.

“The pink kind.”

Pink kind?

“Do you mean strawberry?”

“It was yucky. She said I like it, but I don’t.”

When Beth started crying again, Chase wiped her tears as he said, “Please don’t cry, Mommy.”

Beth pulled him onto her lap. “They’re happy tears because I’m just so glad we found you.”

“Uncle Jack and Mr. Doug saved me.” I puffed up a little at getting credit, even though it was a group effort.

“Yes, they did.” Beth looked at me over Chase’s head.

“We had lots of help,” I added, knowing he’d named us because we were the first two friendly faces he saw.

“Mommy, can we go home now?” Chase asked as he burrowed into her chest.

I saved Beth from having to disappoint him. “Not yet, Little Man, you’ll have to talk to a nice policeman first.”

A few seconds after I said it, I heard John in my ear. He was telling the officer he wanted Chase to get checked by a doctor. “We’ll bring Chase and Beth to the station after Chase is medically cleared.”

The officer’s grumbling response wasn’t clear, but it sounded like he was complaining about the delay, worried Chase’s memory wouldn’t be as good.

“You have our statements and enough evidence to convict without a statement from a scared five-year-old.” John’s tone ended the argument. “We’ll bring him to the station after he’s seen a doctor. If that’s a problem for you, you can speak with Agent Jones.”

“What’s going on?” Beth’s question interrupted my eavesdropping.

“John's pushing his weight around,” I answered with a laugh. When I heard, “watch it, Sharpe,” in my ear, I laughed again and made a mental note to be more careful while my mic was on.


John and I took them to the hospital.

I demonstrated Herculean control and kept my hands to myself, while we waited for Chase to be seen by a doctor. There was nothing I wanted more than to wrap my arms around Beth, and let her know I was here for her. But I couldn’t, this wasn’t about me. It was about her and her needs.

I have to let her come to me.

John took out his phone and held it towards Chase while he told us about the crazy lady who took him from the park. When I raised my eyebrows in question, he mouthed, "video."

He’d have Chase’s unofficial statement recorded.Clever.

Chase looked scared when he explained how he tried to tell her he couldn’t go with her, “just like you said,” but she wouldn’t listen. John and I listened while Beth reassured Chase he wasn’t in trouble, and praised him for trying to do the right thing. He let her words sink in for a minute then told us the rest of the story.

After Smith grabbed him, she'd forced him in her car and made him drink some water. He didn’t remember anything else until he woke up in the cabin.

John and I made eye contact—she’d drugged him. Probably crushed a sleeping pill in the water. We’d ask the doctor to check for drugs in Chase’s system. He wasn’t showing any signs of drugged-up behavior, it was still best to check.

“She made me soup and strawberry milk. She said they were my favorite, but I don’t like strawberry milk.” He crinkled his nose in disgust, making Beth chuckle.

Hedoesn’t like strawberries, noted.