Itapped my fingers on my thighs while I waited in the car with Dean. I’d wanted to go with them to the cabin. John insisted I stay at the office. I argued I wanted to be there for Chase. John counter-argued with they didn’t know what they were walking into and he couldn’t risk having me on site. His argument was stronger, which pissed me off. I couldn’t just sit around the office waiting. I’d go crazy. When John suggested Dean take me closer to wait, I hadn’t hesitated to accept the compromise.
Begging Doug hadn’t helped either; the traitor sided with John.
I wanted to be there, but I understood why I couldn't be.Doesn't mean I'm happy about it. They didn’t want to risk my safety. Truth was, I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t get in the way if my emotions got the better of me.
I’ll only be a few minutes away.
Dean drove us to a gas station near the cabin, where we waited for his call.Fucking John told Dean to cuff me if necessary.I’d given him a look so scathing it could have put Medusa to shame. I loved the man, and appreciated everything he was doing, but in that moment I could have punched him.Handcuffs? Really?
Dean tried to make small talk, but I wasn’t in the mood.
I didn’t meant to be rude but I was. He was just trying to help, but I didn’t have the energy for small talk. Every nerve in my body was screaming in fear.
Would Chase be there? Would he be alive? What did she do to him?
Before long I didn’t recognize where we were. The GPS on the dash showed our location as south west of Weatherford, but I’d never been out this way before.
Visions of Chase flashed through my mind. His smile. Trying on his first tee ball cap. Sitting on Meg's desk. Looking handsome and grown up as he walked Meg down the aisle. Playing with his dinosaurs in his pool.
I sniffled.I'd give anything to hear him laugh right now.
I had to stop the flood of images before I was swept away by fear and grief, so I asked Dean how he liked working for SSI.
He said he loved it. “It’s the perfect post-retirement job.” He’d retired from Dallas PD two years ago and was bored until he started at SSI. He answered my questions but didn’t ask me any. I couldn’t blame him, given my previous behavior.
Dean pulled into a gas station and parked at the edge of the lot.
We’re close to Chase.
I fiddled with the strap of my purse and forced myself to make polite small talk. It had to be better than staring out the window and worrying. “Do you have a family at home?” I asked, it probably wasn’t the safest topic, but it was a socially acceptable one.
“I do, a wife and three kids.”
I tried to guess how old Dean was and figured he was about John’s age. Of course, he could be quite a bit younger.I’d thought Doug was older than he looked.
“How old are your kids?”
Hearing the love and joy in his voice as he talked about his wife and kids was the perfect distraction. It’s how I imagine Phil would have talked about me and Chase.
I kept looking out the windows even though I couldn’t see anything. Just like I kept checking my phone knowing I wouldn’t be the one getting the call.
John said he’d call Dean when it was safe for me to go to Chase.
When Dean’s phone beeped, my heart skipped a beat.
Did they find Chase? Is he okay?
He answered it, but didn’t put it on speaker. Not that I would have expected him to. I held my breath as I waited for a sign.
Dean’s shoulders relaxed as he said, “Copy that, Pan is safe.”
Pan is safe.I looked up, hand on my chest, and thanked God.
“We’re on our way.” Dean turned and smiled before turning the key in the ignition.
I sagged against the window as relief surged through my body.