This time, I let the relief flow through me.Thank you, God.Chase was safe.
Chase scrambled to his feet and ran to Jack. “Uncle Jack!”
Jack quickly holstered his gun and sank to his knees before Chase crashed into him. I left my gun holstered as I watched Smith. She wasn't a threat anymore. I also knew Jones andMaxwell were covering us from the doorway, based on the chatter I’d only been half listening to in my earpiece.
Jack announced, “Scene is secure. Pan is safe.” He hugged Chase close to his chest and stood up.
Maxwell relieved me so Jack and I could remove Chase from the room. The sooner he was away from her the better.
As we left, I heard them talking to Smith, promising her they’d get her the help she needed, over the sound of sobs.
Poor woman. I opened the back door for the rest of the team, while Jack carried Chase to the living room and set him down on the couch.
As soon as he was in the door, John took command again, “Jamie, you and Janerek find out what Jones needs from us.” Relief washed over his features as he glanced at Chase, then turned to me, “Sharpe, call Beth.”
“Yes, sir,” we answered in unison as I took out my phone. I wanted to be the one checking on Chase, comforting him, but I had my orders.
Chase turned towards the sound of John’s voice, and cried out, “Uncle John!” a split second before escaping Jack’s hold and running over.
“Hey, Kiddo, are you hurt anywhere?” John asked as he kneeled in front of him, running his hands over Chase’s body as he hugged him.
He shook his head as he cried into John’s shoulder, “I want my mommy.”
“She’ll be here soon,” John said as he made eye contact with me over Chase’s head.
I nodded as I gave Dean the all clear and hung up. John said to call Beth, but Dean had specific orders to stay put until he heard directly from one of us.
I bowed my head and thanked God as relief washed over me.Chase is safe and Beth is on her way.Smith hadn’t hurt him.Not physically, at least. He’d need a psych evaluation to find out what emotional damage she’d caused during the twenty-seven hours she held him captive. He’d need therapy, but at his age, and with the support of his family, he should bounce back without long-term repercussions.
John was holding Chase tight enough to crush him.
More tension left my body when Chase said, “You’re squishing me, Uncle John.”
“Sorry, I’m just so happy to see you,” John answered with a laugh as he released him.
I still hadn’t had a chance to hug him, so I got down on my knees and opened my arms. I choked on the words as I asked, “Can I get a hug too, Little Man?”
Chase didn’t hesitate. “When will my Mommy be here?” he asked into my chest.
“She’ll be here any second now,” I answered without releasing him.
Jamie and AJ had been tasked with contacting the local PD and securing the scene. It was a given none of us wanted Smith and Chase in the same room, so Jones held her in the bedroom until we left. Jamie made sure he got a hug from Chase before ushering us outside. After I picked Chase up, AJ gave him a fist bump and told him he was brave, and then took up position at the back door. Jamie would cover the front.
We’d underestimated a threat once, with Emily, and it’d almost cost her life—we wouldn’t do it again.
Chase craned his neck as far as he could, without letting go of me, to look left and right as I walked down the porch steps. “Where’s my mommy?”
“She’ll be here soon, I promise.” I rubbed his back to soothe him. He wasn’t crying any more, but judging from his vice-like grip he was still more than a little shaken.
I prayed Beth would get here before the police, allowing her some time with Chase before they had to talk to him.
I turned around when I heard tires crunching on gravel. Beth.
“Your mom is here,” John said as he rubbed Chase’s hair.
Chase pushed against my chest, but I refused to put him down until the car stopped.
Chapter 35