Page 61 of Missing

Beth shook her head. ‘Thanks, but I want to be home. Just in case.”

“Want us to stay with you?” Mary asked.

I didn’t give Beth time to answer. “I’ll stay with her.”

Heads turned my way, but no one looked surprised.

I put my hand on Beth’s shoulder and turned her, so she was facing me.

“If that’s okay with you.” I shouldn’t have spoken for her, and wanted to give her the chance to speak up.

“It’s okay. Thank you.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mary and John exchange a look and a tired smile. It felt like a sign of approval.

“Let me grab my stuff and I’ll drive you home.”

“I can drive, I need my car if I need to pick up Chase.” The panic in her voice was palpable.

“We’ll move his booster to my truck. You’re not safe to drive, and I need to have my gear on hand.”

Beth looked like she wanted to argue, but didn’t. Instead she nodded before saying, “I’ll go get the booster out of my car.”

“I’ll go with her,” Mary said.

I’m not the only one who’s afraid to leave her alone.

AJ was in our office, packing his laptop and gear, when I walked in.

“I probably won’t sleep much tonight, and I know you won’t. Call if you need anything,” he said as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

“Thanks, man. Appreciate it” I said as he walked past me and clapped my shoulder, the way men do when they aren’t sure what to do and a hug feels weird.

When we were all packed up and back in the lobby, John asked for a final update on everyone’s progress.


“I haven’t heard back from Jones yet. I’ll try again first thing in the morning. I posted a BOLO on the SSI Facebook page, since we have a lot of local followers.”

That was good thinking.


“Nothing yet. But I have at least three more hours of footage to review.” Which I’d be doing as soon as I put Beth to bed.


“Jack and I sent a BOLO, along with several photos, to every PD and private eye in a hundred-mile radius.”


“I did the same for every hospital, clinic, and security company.”

“Beth, we’ll do everything in our power to find him,” John said before giving her a hug.

Mary hugged her goodbye and said, “Call, no matter what time it is, if you need me. For any reason.”

Beth nodded, then let me lead her out the door. She was on autopilot, and I was grateful she’d agreed to let me stay. She didn’t want to admit it, but she needed someone to take care of her.