“I usually hold his hand and drag him to the exit.” She said, shaking her head.
“Anything else?”
“Be patient.”
“Copy that.” I reached over and squeezed her hand to let her know it’d be okay. I understood her nervousness, even if I didn’t like it. Inviting me to join them today was a big step for her. She didn’t have to tell me how worried she was about getting Chase involved; it showed in her actions. I didn’t blame her. In fact, I respected her for it.
When she asked me this morning, I was surprised and honored. It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. Chase was a good kid, and if I wanted to be a part of Beth’s life, I had to be a part of his. I was okay with the package deal.
Hell, I wanted it, because the only way I could be a dad was through adoption. Reality crashed down and rained on my parade. I still hadn’t told Beth I wasn’t quite the man she believed me to be.I need to tell her soon, before I fall too deep.
I asked Beth if she wanted me to wait in the car when we got to Jack and Jamie’s, but she said no.
“It’s not like they don’t know we’re dating, or that I spent the night at your place.” Her voice wavered as she said it.
She was pretending it was no big deal, but it was. Because she wasn’t just confirming she’d spent the night with me, she was broadcasting that I was spending the day with her and Chase.
A declaration they wouldn’t miss.
Knowing she was ready to shout it from the rooftops was an ego boost.One that comes with a fuck ton of responsibility. I held my head a little higher as Beth rang the doorbell.
When Jack opened the door, he acted like it was no big deal for me to be with Beth, picking up Chase. If it hadn’t been for the quick rise of his eyebrow when he saw me, I would’ve thought he’d been expecting me all along.
Chase cut our greeting short when he came running to the door yelling, “Mommy Mommy Mommy.” He wrapped his arms around her legs and said, “I had so much fun but I missed youand Auntie Meg let me help her make pancakes this morning and …”
He stopped when he saw me standing beside his mom. “Mr. Doug why are you here with my mommy?”
Kids. No fucking filter. I got down on one knee and held out a fist. “Hi Chase.”
“Mr. Doug is coming to the museum with us.”
“Yay!” Chase jumped up and down, clapping his hands. Then with the enthusiasm only a kid can have, he launched into a breathless list of things he wanted to show me. “I’ll show you all the dinosaurs and the rocks and swords and there's a submarine and-”
“Why don’t you let us come inside.” Beth turned Chase around and ushered him into the room. She looked at me, raised her eyebrows, and shrugged. I snickered as I followed her into the living room.
When Beth asked, Meg said Chase was well behaved. Chase echoed his agreement.
I felt Jamie and Jack’s eyes on me as Beth and Meg talked. I tried to ignore them, not wanting to answer their questions. I’d have to eventually, but not today.
Beth thanked everyone for watching Chase, then grabbed his suitcase as she started saying goodbye.
The gentleman in me couldn’t let her carry bags while my hands were empty, so I took the suitcase. I didn’t miss the nods of approval.
As we were walking out, Jack said, “Don’t forget your booster seat, Chase.”
“I’m a big boy, I don’t need it.” Chase pouted as he argued.
“Sorry bud, but you need it until you grow a little taller,” Jamie said.
Chase put his hands on his hips and stood up on his tip-toes. “I’m taller now.”
I wasn’t the only one who laughed.
Chase eventually stopped arguing and got in his booster seat. On the drive over Chase asked me about working at SSI and if I’d ever been a cop. I said no, but I worked as a civilian for the Chicago PD, after serving in the Air Force.
“Do you want to join the military when you grow up?”
He shook his head back and forth. “I’m gonna work for Uncle John after I’m the police like my Daddy.”