Page 30 of Missing

Possessive grip.Noted. A quick glance told me the crowd was still keeping its distance.For now.

“Will, do you want to go home?” I kept my voice calm as I shifted my body weight, ready to step between them if I had to.

“I said, he ain’t goin’ nowhere. He owes me money.”

Will tried to step forward, but the guy pulled him back.

I quickly scanned the small crowd around us, keeping the cruel guy in my peripheral vision at all times. The general body language of the crowd didn’t give me confrontation vibes.Hopefully they won’t interfere.

I took a step towards him, hands held out in front of me, palms up. I wanted him to think I was submissive, and to imply I was unarmed. “How much does he owe you?” I was sure whatever it was would be grossly inflated since we both knew I was asking with the intent of paying off Will’s debt.

If I can.

Not anticipating paying off someone’s debt, and not wanting to risk the loss if shit went south, I hadn’t brought a ton of cash.

“Five hundred,” he paused, “plus interest.” His smirk reminded me of a shady used car salesman. If he thought I’d leave without a fight because he’d thrown out an impossible number, he was sorely mistaken.

I didn’t have five hundred, so I’d have to negotiate, or fight, our way out. I’d prefer not having to fight, but would if I had to. I wasn’t leaving without Will. He looked hurt and terrified, and I didn’t think he’d survive long if I left him.

I pulled the cash from my jacket pocket, knowing the total was only about a quarter of what Will supposedly owed, not including the unspecified interest.

“I don’t have that much.” I counted the money slowly in front of him, knowing a hundred and thirty-five in cash was more than he’d likely seen in a long time.

He licked his lips as he looked from the cash to Will, calculating. “I’ll tell you what. You give me that, and when you come back with the rest, you can take Willie here home with you.” He reached for the money.

I pulled my hand back. “That’s not going to happen. I’ll get you the rest, but Will comes with me.” I stepped forward, stretching to my full height as I squared my shoulders and straightened my knees, hoping to intimidate him.

“We both know if you leave with Will, you won’t come back.”

“And we both know if I leave without him, you’ll raise the amount.” I kept my voice even as I stepped closer still. I’d been watching Will slowly edge towards me as I negotiated. “Will, walk towards me.” I held a hand out towards him.

Will started to move in my direction but his dealer moved fast, faster than I would’ve thought possible, and grabbed Will by the elbow. He yanked him back with so much force, Will tripped over his feet and fell to the ground. He let out a started cry when his head smacked the ground with a sickening thud. He clutched his head as he curled into the fetal position.


In a flash of inspiration, I threw the money behind me as I closed the distance between me and Will’s dealer with two long strides.

He held his hands up to block me, but I was too big, too strong, and too pissed off for him to stop my advance.

After the longest thirty-second fight I’d ever been in, I got past his flailing arms and ended it. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious, after I connected with a solid punch to the left side of his head.

I scanned behind me to make sure the crowd was staying back. They’d collected the money and were watching me, wide-eyed. No one moved to interfere.Thank God.

Ignoring the scratches on my face, I crouched by Will and carefully lifted him so I could check his head. He had a nasty gash, but it’d heal.

Thankfully, no one challenged me as I escorted Will out of the camp.

I sucked in big gulps of air; grateful it was fresher with every step. Will kept pace with me but didn’t speak.

After Will was safely in my truck, I grabbed my trauma bag from my back seat. I cleaned and wrapped his head before cleaning the scratches on my face.

“Thank you,” Will mumbled as I started the engine.

“You’re welcome.”

I called Meg as soon as I was on the road.

“Hey Meg, I’ve got Will. I'm stopping for food then bringing him to the office. Can you call his parents?”