After dinner, we talked as I drove to the canal walk, a place known for its scenery and romantic setting. During the day, the area was packed with families and tourists, but by nightfall, the crowd usually thinned out.
Without thinking, I raised Beth’s hand to my lips and placed a soft kiss there after I helped her out of my truck. Because I never took my gaze off her face, I saw the slight blush rise in her cheeks. If I could make her blush by kissing the back of her hand, I wondered what would happen if I slowly kissed up her arm to her neck.
Fuck. Who cares what it’ll do to her. I’m making myself hard just thinking about it.When I stepped back to close her door, I used it as cover so I could quickly adjust myself without her seeing me.
“Have you ever been here before?” I asked.
“No, but I’ve been to places like it. My friends and I used to love going to the boardwalk when I was in high school.”
I reached for Beth’s hand and smiled when she didn’t hesitate to lace her fingers with mine. Holding Beth’s small, soft hand felt like the most natural thing in the world.
It was a beautiful evening, and I considered myself lucky to be here with Beth. The sky was clear enough that we could see the crescent moon, and the light breeze coming off the canal was the perfect complement to the warm evening weather. Every few yards, a fresh smell would fill our noses as we passed by different restaurants. If we hadn’t just filled ourselves, the aromas might have been enticing.
I was taking my normal long strides as we walked, not thinking about Beth being in heels. Or walking at a relaxed pace instead of marching along like she was on a mission. I adjusted my steps to match hers.
After a few minutes, Beth stopped and turned towards the water. Lights from the restaurants and shops surrounding the canal reflected on the dark waves in rippling colors, giving the water a hypnotic quality.
“It’s pretty,” Beth said softly beside me.
“It is.” I wasn’t usually one to stop and smell the roses, or watch lights reflect on the water, but it was nice.Better than nice because I’m doing it with Beth. The colorful lights reflected in her eyes, as she watched a tour boat sailing by, giving them a magical quality. It took all my strength to break the spell, so I didn’t lean down and kiss her then and there.
Chapter 15
Strolling along a canal walk with Doug was a much different experience than going to the beach boardwalks as a teen in Louisiana. Back then, it’d been all about hanging out and hooking up; we’d barely noticed the beauty. But tonight, I noticed everything. The way the lights reflected on the water, the couples strolling hand in hand, the feeling of Doug’s large, strong hand holding mine, and the sounds and smells drifting from the different restaurants.
“You want to stop for a second?” Doug asked.
“We don’t need to, I was just watching some geese play, but I think they’re done now.”
He nodded. “There’s a chocolate shop a few doors down and I hear their ice cream is fantastic. Want to grab some and sit near the water?”
The little girl in me jumped for joy. I loved ice cream, especially the soft, creamy, extra rich kind they served at The Chocolatier. I usually bought whatever ice cream was on sale when I went grocery shopping so this would be a real treat. Doug’s pupils dilated when I licked my lips in anticipation.
“Their ice cream is decadent.” I tried to sound calm, cool, and collected, but the sparkle in Doug’s eyes, and the grin he didn’t hide fast enough, told me I’d failed.It’s not like it’s a bad thing I’m excited about getting ice cream.
“Come on, let’s go.” He pulled my hand playfully, leading the way.
When we got to the door, Doug let go of my hand so he could open it for me. A lot of modern women complained about men doing the little things like opening doors for them, but I liked it. I didn’t feel any less capable, nor did I feel insulted by it. Sure, I could open my own door, but I appreciated his old school manners.
It was something Phil had done for me. Something John did for Mary, and their boys did for Meg and Emily.It’s something I’m teaching Chase. Though I was currently focused on getting him to say please and thank you; he often got excited and forgot to use them.
The blast of cool air from the shop wasn’t the only reason a shiver ran down my spine; Doug had run his large, warm palm down my spine, settling it on my lower back as I walked by.
The Chocolatier wasn’t just an ice cream shop. They also had homemade fudge, assorted truffles, and a variety of chocolates delicious enough to make anyone lose control. I almost drooledas the thick, rich smell of chocolate reached my nose. I’d never been to the one on the canal, but they had a few shops near us, and I’d been to the one in Dallas a few times.
I wasn’t the only one reacting to the displays and aromas of the shop. Doug inhaled deeply as he looked around. “It smells good in here.”
“It does. I miss the days when I could order the largest ice cream with extra whip cream, but I can’t afford that luxury anymore.” Doug didn’t see me pat my belly.
“Well, it’s on me so you can order as much ice cream and as many chocolates as you want.” We stepped forward as the line ahead of us moved.
I laughed. “Thank you, but that’s not what I meant. I meant my waistline can’t afford it anymore. I’m not as young or as active as I used to be.”
Doug took a second and looked me up and down before saying, “You look great. Beautiful.” He tucked a wayward curl behind my ear, sending another round of shivers down my spine. “And we all deserve a guilt-free treat once in a while.”