“Good, because I’d love to take you out to dinner.” I blushed at the tone in his voice.
“As long as I can find a babysitter, most nights are open for me. Though finding a babysitter who can stay a little later is easier on weekends.”
There was silence from his end.Was I too forward, assuming I might need a late babysitter? Did he think I wanted to spend the night with him?I didn’t. Well, I did, but I didn’t want to rush things.
“I, I just meant-” I stuttered as I rushed to explain.
A soft laugh came over the line. “Is this weekend too soon?”
More than a few butterflies did somersaults in my belly. “Let me make some calls. Is Friday or Saturday better for you?”
I couldn’t believe how easy this was. Doug’s schedule was chaotic, and I had to work around finding a babysitter, so I’d expected it to be harder to find a day that worked for both of us.
It won’t always be this easy.I didn’t even know if it’d be this easy this weekend, I still had to find a babysitter.
“My weekend is open, so either one works for me.”
Immediately after hanging up, I texted my favorite sitter, Nina, and asked if she was available either Friday or Saturday night.
I was giddy when Nina said she was available Friday night. I wasted no time telling Doug, and we scheduled our date before hanging up.
I saw him every day during the week when he picked up coffee. Some days he ordered for the office, some he didn’t.
He’s coming in to see me.
It made me smile. A lot. Which didn’t go unnoticed.
I had a goofy grin on my face all day Friday. At least, that’s what Mary told me, and I had no reason to doubt her. I was like a giddy schoolgirl and couldn’t stop thinking about my date. When I’d asked Doug where we were going, he said it was a surprise and told me I should dress up, “but not formal,” he’d added. Fancy but not formal, I could do that. I tried to guess where it might be, but soon gave up. He probably wasn’t taking me anywhere in Weatherford, and I didn’t know Fort Worth or Dallas well enough to figure it out.
Mary shooed me out the door as soon as I clocked out, calling out as I reached the door, “Have fun tonight, and call me in the morning.”
After showering and putting on a green long sleeve dress that showed off my assets, and played down my muffin top, I did my hair and makeup. I rarely fussed with my hair, usually opting for a bun since it had to be up for work, and I liked it out of my face when I was chasing Chase around. In the end, I left it down. I did my eyes a little darker than normal, which meant adding mascara to the liner I usually wore and brushing some glittery shadow on my lids. I finished the look with red lipstick, hoping it didn’t scream, “I’m desperate.”
Nina arrived a few minutes before five, and a cheerful Chase immediately dragged her to the backyard. He wanted to show off his new water dinosaurs (sharks), who were in his kiddie pool. It was a warm fall day, so I was letting him swim until dinner.
“Chase, I’ll be home after you’re in bed, so can I get my goodnight kiss now?”
“Okay.” He got up, wiped his hands on his wet shorts, and then wrapped his arms around me. For a half a second I thought about telling him not to hug me, but kids grew up so fast and before long he wouldn’t want to hug his mom goodbye.I’m notmissing out on a single hug. Dirty hands and wet shorts be damned.
“Be good for Miss Nina, okay?”
“I promise.”
I squeezed him, and sent him back to play. I asked Nina if I had Chase sized handprints on my back, grateful when she said no. Out of habit, I reminded her of the house rules. Not that I had many; no boys or friends over, no drinking or drugs, and keep the doors locked. Then I went back inside to wait for Doug.
Doug handed me a bouquet of yellow roses and white daisies when he picked me up.
“Is it okay if I take them with us instead of putting them in water?”
“Of course, but we have plenty of time.”
“It’s not that, I’m afraid Chase won’t want to let us leave if he sees you.” I explained, feeling guilty. Doug and I dating wasn’t a secret from the adults in my life, but I hadn’t told Chase yet. And the last thing I wanted to do was explain it to him, in front of Doug.
“Ah, that makes sense.” Doug nodded as he scanned the room. “We should go then.” He stepped back and held out his arm.
“Thanks for understanding.” I locked the door before putting my free hand in the crook of his offered elbow.