I’d noticed Beth last year, soon after starting at SSI. How could I not? I saw her almost every day when I picked up ourcoffees. I’d thought about asking her out a few times before, but chickened out, worried things would be awkward if she wasn’t interested.
“Where are you taking her?” Jamie asked.
“She suggested The Breakfast Joint.”
“You guys will like it. It was Isabelle’s favorite restaurant.” Isabelle was Jamie’s late wife. She’d been murdered by a stalker just over four years ago. Jamie was the first cop on scene. I could only imagine what it was like for him. Her death was the catalyst for creation of Sheppard & Sons Investigations. John and Jamie both retired from their police departments, and together with Jack, started SSI. Jack was a silent partner while he finished his enlistment in the Army and put in his time to get his PI license. He’d become fully vested at the beginning of the year.
When I first started at SSI, Jamie barely mentioned Isabelle, and when he did, his grief was still palpable. Emily had changed that, helping him heal one day at a time with her love.
“Meg’s dying to go,” Jack said. “She loves breakfast food and wants to try their French crepes. But she wants us to double date with Jamie and Emily, so she’s trying to be patient.”
Jamie laughed, "Meg’s patience won’t last long, so we should probably set a date.” He made fun of Jack for always giving Meg what she wanted, but Jamie adored his new sister-in-law and rarely said no to her.
"Done." Jack turned to me and asked, “did dad give you the ‘dad talk’ yet?”
“Dude, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes for that conversation.” AJ said, shaking his head in mock terror. He was a big guy, compared to most people, and he had extensive weapons training in the military. He was also a black belt in Brazilian Ju Jitsu. AJ wasn’t afraid of many people, but John Sheppard had made it to the top of the list.
“Sort of. He said he expected me to be respectful and honest, especially if it didn’t work out.”
“Or?” AJ asked. Jamie and Jack looked as eager as AJ to hear what threat John had given me.
“Or nothing. No threats. Though I’m sure I’ll hear about it if I fuck up.” I had no intention of doing anything to hurt Beth. If I did, I’d hear about it from John. And Meg—her opinion mattered as much to me as John’s.
Is Beth getting interrogated, too?
“Well, I know Meg will be pissed if you do anything stupid.” Jack took a swig of his beer then pointed at me with it. “So don’t do anything stupid.” Jamie seconded the order.
“Yes, sir.” What else could I say? It wasn’t like I didn’t know how risky it was to ask out Beth. John and Meg weren’t the only ones I had to consider. Jack and Jamie would be upset too. And Mary. God only knew how Chase would react, and that would piss everyone off even more.
What was I thinking?If this went south, I’d probably have to quit my job and leave town. Unless she was the one to dump me; then I’d just have to avoid Grannie’s until the dust settled.
Saved by the doorbell, signaling the arrival of our food, I handed Jack a twenty then went to the kitchen to grab another round of beer for everyone. We talked while we ate, but, thankfully not about my love life. I preferred sports and gaming strategies, they were familiar territory.
“My plan is to let Doug do all the heavy lifting while I cover his six,” Jamie joked.
“So, the same as last time?” Jack asked. “You know, big brother, you could play more and get better, so Doug doesn’t have to carry your sorry ass every time we play.”
“I could, but I have better things to do with my time,” Jamie answered.
We all knew he’d rather spend time with Emily than gaming. For him, tonight was about the company, not the competition. The rest of us were out for blood.
“I plan on kicking your asses with or without Jamie’s help,” I bragged. Jamie might not be a good partner in the game, but in real life, when it mattered, he was someone you could count on to always have your back. In real life he had the skills to do it.
“Care to put your money where your mouth is?” AJ asked.
Jamie groaned, despite the fact I won more often than I lost.
“How much?” I asked.
“How much do you want to lose?” AJ was feeling extra confident tonight.
“Hey, I’m still paying to renovate my house and I have a wife to support. So don’t go too crazy.” Jack was all bark, no bite. SSI was turning a good profit, and Meg could support herself.
“Don’t let Meg hear you say that,” Jamie interjected.
“She won’t if you keep your mouth shut,” Jack said.
“So how much, Sharpe?” AJ asked.