Page 110 of Missing

What are they up to?

“Will they have chicken nuggets?”

His new favorite food was chicken nuggets. He still liked mac & cheese, but now asked for chicken nuggets just as often.

“I don’t know, Kiddo. We’ll find out when we get there.”

“I’m not a kiddo anymore.”

Chase had turned six in March and was always looking for ways to prove he wasn’t a kid anymore. He was ready to be an adult.

“I guess you’re right, you’re not a little kid anymore,” Doug agreed. “Can I still call you Little Man?”

After agreeing, Chase monopolized the conversation, telling Doug all about his day, and what he’d given me for my birthday: a card and clay ring holder he’d made at school. He complained about wearing a tie, but stopped when Doug explained how men sometimes wore ties to look good on special occasions.

“Like Mommy’s birthday and Auntie Meg’s wedding?”

“Exactly. And for dates.” Doug glanced over at me and winked.

I’d been nervous he’d be impatient with Chase’s frequent interruptions and having to revolve our schedule around Chase.

Especially our sex life. It sucked we had to plan the way we did, but he’d taken it all in stride. Whenever I tried to apologize, he’d remind me he knew he was signing on for a package deal, and then he’d tell me he loved us both and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Doug had made reservations at Chuck’s Steak and Lobster, an upscale seafood restaurant. Chase was on his best behavior aswe walked in and followed the hostess to our table. Doug must have made a special request because our booth was in the back corner, offering us a modicum of privacy.

I slid into the booth next to Chase who was already playing with the salt and pepper shakers.

“Chase, stop playing with those.”

“Okay.” He obeyed and picked up his menu.

What had Doug promised Chase to get him to be extra well-behaved tonight?

The server brought over a bottle of champagne and filled our glasses before setting the bottle on the table. He fished a can of Sprite out of his apron and poured some in a plastic flute for Chase.

Okay, what’s going on? Sure, it was my birthday, but I hadn’t expected Doug to go to such lengths for it. It wasn’t even a banner year.

Doug thanked the server, who said he’d be back to take our orders in a few minutes, then raised his flute and nodded for Chase to do the same.

“Happy Birthday, Beth.”

“Happy Birthday, Mommy.” Chase mimicked Doug.

I lifted my glass and we all clinked. The champagne bubbles tickled my nose as I sipped it.

Doug handed me a small box, wrapped in red foil paper. The kind of red foil paper jewelers used.

“Happy Birthday, from me and Chase,” Doug said as I accepted the gift.

Was he proposing? It'd explain the champagne. My fingers trembled as I opened it. There was no way he’d propose by having me unwrap the ring.Right?

Right. It was a jewelry box, but instead of a ring there was a gorgeous heart-shaped aquamarine pendant inlaid in a gold bezel on a delicate gold chain.

“I helped pick it out,” Chase said proudly as I wiped my eyes.

“Thank you,” I kissed the top of Chase’s head. “Both of you.”

“You’re welcome,” Doug said, smiling as I put on the necklace.