Not that I want to stop.
Beth’s face was flushed when she looked at the wall separating her room from Chase’s, then at her door. “You’re right, we should.” She didn’t look like she wanted to stop either.
“You know, Chase is getting bigger and might want to move into the bigger bedroom.”
One of her fears was Chase hearing us, but if Chase moved down the hall the thin walls wouldn’t be a problem. Her soft laugh was all the encouragement I needed.
“You know, in case maybe you want me to spend the night when you aren’t expecting Chase to get up to look for Santa.” I was only half joking.
“I’ll have to teach Chase to knock.” The sparkle in her eyes made my heart swell and my dick hard. It didn’t care that we couldn’t do anything tonight; it was reacting on pure animal instinct to the promise of future nights.
“That’d be helpful.” The thought of putting a lock on her bedroom door crossed my mind, but it wasn’t safe. Teaching Chase to knock was a better, and safer, option.
We woke up early and were drinking our coffee when Chase came running down the stairs.
“Santa was here.” He jumped for joy when he saw the gifts under the tree, then ran over to the tray and noticed the milk and cookies were mostly gone. “He ate the cookies.”
I understood what the Grinch felt like when his heart grew three sizes as mine filled with joy while watching Chase tear into his gifts. I bought him a few gifts, including a remote-control dinosaur. Beth wasn’t sure about it at first, but I’d finally worn her down. She got him a new bike and a helmet, along with other things moms bought for their sons, but their sons didn’t care about, like books and socks.
Chase gave me a baseball glove, so I could help him practice tee ball. From the outside it looked like the simplest of gifts, but to me it was a life changing moment. He wanted me to do dad things with him, which was the best present he could have given me.
When he told me he’d still practice with his Uncle John, “so he doesn’t feel sad,” I nodded and suggested we all practice together.
Beth gave me a new watch, to replace the one I’d broken at work. It was black with a slim band and waterproof to two hundred meters. It was much nicer than the cheap replacement I’d bought.
Beth gasped when she opened the heart-shaped diamond necklace and matching earring set I’d picked out for her. I’d discovered her love of jewelry and decided to spoil her. I was clasping the necklace when Chase got off the floor and bounced over.
“I’m hungry,” Chase said.
“Want some of Doug’s special pancakes?” Beth asked.
I’d promised to make her crepes, but she wasn’t sure Chase would eat them unless we called them pancakes.
“With chocolate chips?” he asked.
“I can add chocolate chips if your mom says it’s okay.”
“It’s okay.” She turned to me as Chase ran to the kitchen and whispered, “But not too many.”
After breakfast, I showered while Beth and Chase cleaned up. I tried to help them, but she insisted I didn’t have to since I’d cooked.
“Who wants to come with me to pick up Grandma?” Beth asked.
“I do. I do.”
“You have to get dressed first.”
We spent the rest of the day celebrating, eating, and relaxing. I taught Chase how to use the remote to his dinosaur on the back patio while Beth and her mom had some quiet time in the house.
Later that evening, Chase curled up on the couch between me and Beth and fell asleep.
Best Christmas ever.
Four Months Later
Chase was antsy as we waited for Doug. He was taking us out for my birthday, and had surprised me by convincing Chase to wear a suit and tie.