Page 54 of Beaten

“We got it. Come on Chica.”

I turned to Ashley after she closed the door. “What’s up?” She wouldn’t have turned down the guy’s offer unless she wanted to talk privately.

“Just want to make sure you noticed how Jamie looked at you when we got here.” She was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “He may not be ready to say it yet, but he’s definitely into you.”

I smiled, not a nice normal smile but a goofy grin that ruined any hope I had of playing down my feelings. I looked at my pink flip-flops, hoping she hadn’t noticed. She didn’t say anything else as we each grabbed a case of beer from her trunk.

“Is it bad that I like him?” I asked as I put my case down on the trunk. “What if he’s just being nice? Will people think it’s too soon?” I didn’t want Jamie, or anyone else, judging me for jumping from one relationship to the next.

“Emily, your last relationship was shit because your last boyfriend was an abusive asshat.” She apologized when I cringed. She wasn’t wrong I just didn’t like hearing it put so bluntly. “You deserve to find someone who’ll love you and treat you like the queen you are. You can’t help the timing, and seriously, who cares what other people think if you’re both happy?”

She was right. I shouldn’t care about what other people thought, but I did. I always had. That’d always been one of the biggest differences between me and Ashley. I always worried about what other people thought, while she rarely ever did. It’s why she could live a carefree, adventurous life and I, well, I couldn’t. Truth be told, I was a bit jealous of her.

“I know you’re nervous, but he’s worth the risk. You know he’s a great guy, always has been. It’s not just an act to impress you. He has a great job, he’s genuinely caring and protective, your friends and family already like him, he’s-”

“I get it, he’s great,” I picked up my case of beer again “but I’m not even sure he feels the same way so-”

“And hot. Like stupid sexy hot.” She cut me off, completely ignoring my argument. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to ride that!” She laughed when I blushed all the way to my forehead. Never, not in a million years, would I have said something like that.Even though I fantasized about it last night.And she knew it. Which was exactly why she said it.

“He is hot.” There was no denying it.

“Maybe bat your eyes at him a little,” She batted her eyelashes at me as we walked, “to let him know you’re interested. Guys love that shit.”

“I’ll look like a stupid cartoon if I try that.” I’d never been good at flirting, especially the finer art of physical flirtation.

I couldn’t get the cartoonish image of me batting my eyelashes at Jamie, all demure and innocent, and him gushing with big eyes and his heart beating outside his chest. When I thanked Ashley for the visual, we started laughing again. We were still laughing when we got to the door.

When Jamie opened it, the image came back stronger than ever and I laughed so hard I snorted. Which caused us to laugh even harder. Then Ashley got the hiccups. We were laughing so hard, we could barely stand up straight.

Jamie grabbed the cases of beer from us, carrying one in each hand. “Do I even want to know why you’re laughing so hard you’re crying?”

I shook my head no, because there was no way I could answer yet. We finally stopped laughing enough to stand up, and wiped the tears from our eyes as a truck pulled up. AJ and Doug. I looked at Ashley, and she looked at me. We batted our eyelashes at each other, and busted out laughing all over again.

“Do I even want to know?” Jack was standing behind Jamie, smirking.

“Dude, I have no idea what’s going on.” Jamie said as he held the door open for us.

We hung on each others arms, trying not to laugh which only made us laugh more, as we walked to the island in the kitchen. I was sure everyone thought we were crazy.

Jack went out to help AJ and Doug bring the smoker, and their coolers, to the back yard. Luckily Jamie went out tohelp them after putting the beer on the counter, which gave Ashley and I time to recover.

We felt comfortable enough with Meg to share why we were laughing so hard as we helped pack coolers with ice, beer, and water. It’d lost some it’s power, so we didn’t lose control. Neither did Meg, which was good because if she had, we probably would have too.

“Are you going to do it?” Meg asked after we stopped laughing.

“Do what?”

“Bat your eyelashes at him? Let him know you’re interested.”

Oh my God, she’s serious.“I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s a good idea.” They both looked at me like I was crazy. To get them off my back I added, “If I flirt, it’ll have to be something a little less cartoonish.” I didn’t think I could ever bat my eyelashes again without losing it.

“Good.” She gave me a warm smile. “I think you should.”

I was half hoping she’d say Jamie likes you too, but she didn’t. Maybe she didn’t know, or she knew and didn’t want to betray his confidence. This was all so confusing; Jamie had told me he’s interested but not ready, so we should just be friends, and I assumed he was just being nice. But Meg seemed sweet, and honest, so I doubted she’d encourage me if she thought Jamie wasn’t interested. And Ashley was completely convinced he was interested.

I nodded but didn’t know what to say, though I was comforted by her encouragement since it felt like a nod of approval. But as flattering as it was, I was still unsure about thewhole situation. Luckily, I was saved from having to respond by the arrival of the SSI guys.

Doug and AJ gave Meg hugs before greeting us. I noticed their guns when their shirts lifted a little and remembered something Jack had said earlier about all the alpha males making their house the safest place in Texas. Then I wondered if it was because I was here, or if it was normal for them to wear their guns everywhere. Probably normal, just about everyone in Texas had a gun so it’d make sense for guys who did security for a living to always wear theirs. I’d ask Jamie later if they were working.I hope not, I didn’t want to feel guilty if they got stuck working because I was here.