Page 53 of Beaten

Chapter 25


The next afternoon, Ashley drove us to Jamie’s for the BBQ. The SSI person shadowing me followed us and I’m sure it annoyed him when we stopped at the grocery store to get snacks, and then the liquor store to get beer and wine. They said we only had to bring what we wanted to drink but that didn’t feel right to either of us, so we bought three dozen red, white, and blue decorated cupcakes, and enough beer and wine for a small army.

Ashley couldn’t make up her mind so she grabbed a variety, saying she wanted options. “It’s not like beer goes bad.” I couldn’t argue with her logic.

On the drive over, Ashley reminded me not to let my history with Asshat Craig cloud my judgement about Jamie. I thought she was crazy when she told me I should pretend he hadn’t said anything last night, and start today fresh.

After thinking about it, I realized she was right. Even if Jamie wasn’t interested in dating, we were still friends, and I didn’t want to feel awkward around him. I decided I’d approach today as a friend, with no expectations.

Then Jamie answered the door, looking sexy as sin in his dark blue cargo shorts and a fitted gray t-shirt. A wide smile spread across his face when he saw me.

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Last night’s fantasy flashed before my eyes, causing me to blush.Way to stay cool. I forced myself to stop thinking about what it’d feel like to kiss him, but my heart continued to beat a little faster. Wanting to hide the embarrassment written all over my face, I studied the cupcakes I was holding as if my life depended on my ability to memorize every feature.

Jamie took the cupcakes. “How many people do you think will be here?” His tone was light. “Hey Jack, come take these so I can release Eric.”

Jack took one look at the stack of cupcakes and laughed. “That’s a lot of fucking cupcakes.”

“Come on in. AJ’s helping Doug with his smoker. They’ll be here in thirty or so.” Jack said as he led us to the kitchen. Not that we needed a guide, we could see the kitchen from the doorway. Jamie had a spacious, open floor plan.

Ashley shrugged, like she didn't care, as she set the bag of wine bottles on the counter. “I’ll go grab the beer.”

“There’s more?” Jack asked incredulously.

Just then Meg walked in and gave us each a hug, gushing about how happy she was we were there. “These things are usually alpha-male testosterone heavy.” She rolled her eyes atJack, who’d lifted an eyebrow at her. “It’ll be nice to have some girl power for a change.”

“Did you just say alpha-male testosterone heavy like it’s a bad thing?” Ashley asked, fanning her face. “Because that sounds like heaven to me.”

Everyone laughed, then Meg told Ashley she only thought that way because she didn’t have to deal with them all day, every day.

Jamie, who I’d been low key staring at me since he came back in, laughed, then said, “You know you love us Meg, alpha-male testosterone and all,” as he patted her on the head. I expected her to argue, but all she did was swat his hand away and roll her eyes.

Ashley remembered she was supposed to be getting the rest of the beer. “Hey Em, come help me with the rest of the beer.”

Jamie and Jack both spoke up. “I can grab it.” They really were cut from old school southern gentleman cloth. My mother would approve.

Whoa! No need to think like that.

“No, we got it. Girl power, right Meg?” Ashley showed off her biceps as she asked.

Jamie and Jack both turned and stared at Meg, waiting for her to answer.They look like cats ready to pounce. Based on their expressions, I had a feeling she let them do most of the heavy lifting.

Meg looked from Jack to Jamie then back to Jack, she obviously wanted to agree with Ashley, but her sheepish expression made it clear she knew they’d call her out if she did.

“Right. Except for lifting heavy things.” Meg said.

“And reaching the top shelves,” Jamie added.

“And killing spiders,” Jack grinned.

“And open-”

Meg cut Jamie off. “We get it! I need a little help sometimes. No need to gloat or rub it in.” She tried to sound upset but was laughing too hard to pull it off.

God I want what she has. Not only did she have a fun, loving relationship with Jack, but she had an easy going friendship with his brother. It was the kind of fairytale relationship every girl dreams about.