Page 50 of Beaten

“Copy that. Expecting trouble?” She asked. Samantha was one of our part-time security staff. Like the others, she was a local cop; we’d worked together for a couple of years before I left the department. She was a good cop, as tough as they come, and luckily for us she was single and used to working the night shift, so she picked up her fair share of our overnight jobs.

“Always. But that’s not why I’m asking. They plan on drinking tonight and they tend to get a little,” I paused, looking for the right word, “adventurous when they’re drunk.”

She gave me a knowing nod. “Good times.”

“Yeah. Thanks Sammie. Stay safe.”

“Thanks boss man, you too.”

I didn’t want to leave, not because I didn’t trust Sammie, because I did, but because I didn’t like how I’d left things with Emily.

Chapter 23


Ashley didn’t say anything until we got back to my bedroom, then she spat questions at me rapid fire. “What did he say? Did he ask you out for a proper date?”


“Did he want to kiss you? He looked like he wanted to kiss you. Did you want to kiss him? Because from what I saw, you looked like you wanted to.”

“Ashley.” I said forcefully, causing her to stop and stare at me.

“He’s not interested. He gave me the “let's be friends” line.”

“No way. We all saw you two have the perfect romantic moment. At least until Jack interrupted it. I thought Meg was going to kill him.” She took a swig of the beer she’d just opened. “I like her, she’s fun. And she’s totally on Team Jemily. That’s what I’m calling you when you finally hook up.”

She wasn’t listening, so I tried again, “Ashley, he’s not interested. He was just being nice earlier. He’s letting me down easy by saying he isn’t ready. I’m sure he thinks I’m not worth the trouble.” He hadn’t used those words, but I was sure that’s what he meant.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now? Em, you’re totally worth it and he’d have to be an idiot not to see it. And I’m sorry, but even if he’s not ready to admit it, he’s into you. You can’t fake that kind of chemistry. Not to mention what AJ said.” She paused for dramatic effect.

I shouldn’t want to know, but I did. “What’d he say?”

“He said Jamie’s usually cool as a cucumber and it’s not like him to lose his shit, like he did at the bar. That’s got to mean something, right?”

It had been a bit much, and at first I’d been afraid. But it didn’t last long, Jamie wasn’t Craig and his response was done in a professional capacity to protect me. “I don’t know, he’s paid to protect me.” Not wanting to cling to false hope, I shrugged it off.But what if.

“And you’re clearly into him.” She ignored me.

“Ugh is it that obvious?” Everyone thought Jamie and I should get together, including me. I plopped down on my bed, feeling defeated.

Ashley sat down next to me and handed me her beer. I didn’t think about it and took a sip, then almost spat it back out. I scrunched up my face as I handed it back to her. We agreed on a lot of things, but not our taste in beer.

“Sorry, I should’ve grabbed one of yours.”

“That’s okay, I probably shouldn’t drink anymore.” I wanted to get drunk and forget how the night ended, but was worried I’d end up crying over my shit-show of a life instead. I also didn’t want to be hungover at the BBQ tomorrow.

“No, you need your beauty rest.” She gave me a knowing look. “You’ll have a chance to talk to him again tomorrow, and clear up this nonsense.”

“Maybe, but I feel like I should give him some space. I don’t want him to think I don’t respect his feelings. Besides, I just left Craig. I’m not sure I’m ready to jump into a new relationship.”

Ashley and I hadn’t seen each other much over the last few years, but she still knew me too well to fall for my bullshit.

“Sweetie, Craig has nothing to do with this. And there’s no rule about how long you have to wait before dating a great guy after leaving an asshat. I looked it up.”

I laughed. Ashley had a way of making her point without it feeling like a lecture.

She was right, I shouldn’t use Asshat Craig as an excuse. Jamie had made it clear earlier he didn’t want to go out with me, but that didn’t mean I had to sit home alone and wallow. There were plenty of fish in the sea. I just had to suit up and go swimming.