Page 32 of Beaten

“Tell her your hottie baby brother says hi back.” I heard him laughing as I relayed an abbreviated version of his message, edited for my sanity.

Then I remembered I was supposed to make breakfast for Meg. “Shit, tell Meg I’m sorry about breakfast. I’ll make it up to her.”

“Oh, she knows and be prepared, because you’ll be making banana chocolate chip pancakes for the foreseeable future.” My predicament clearly amused him.

“Do I need to go shopping on my way home or do we have everything I’ll need?”

“Nope. Meg stocked up on pancake supplies last night. She didn’t want you to have any more excuses.”

“Surely keeping a client safe is an acceptable excuse.” I chuckled.

“She’s more than a client, and you know it.”

“I didn’t mean Emily.” Damn it, I gave myself away. Trying to cover my tracks, I added, “It was a general statement about the only acceptable reason to skip out on making breakfast for Meg.” I heard someone talking to Jack in the background.

“Dad says to take the rest of the day off and get some rest before your shift tonight. Just let us know what needs to get done today.”

“Thanks man. I’ll do what I can while I’m here and let you know.”

“No problem. Later Bro.” Jack said before hanging up.

Well, that didn’t go as expected. Jack was too perceptive for his own good. And while it made Jack a brilliant investigator, our best in fact, it annoyed the hell out of me when I was on the receiving end. He was smart, quick-witted, and perceptive. Qualities he chose to mostly ignore while in highschool, but not only embraced but honed to a sharp edge when he was in the Army. If I was being honest with myself, I was a little jealous of his ability to think outside the box. I wasn’t stupid or unobservant, but I generally thought inside the box.

I turned around when I heard Emily shuffling down the hallway. She looked miserable. Then again, who wouldn’t? Nasty hangovers had a way of doing that to a person.

“Good morning Emily.” She lifted her hand to wave but didn’t follow through, letting it fall instead. “I made coffee, eggs, and bacon if you want-”

She put her hand on her stomach and moaned. “Maybe just coffee and water for now.” She sat down next to Ashley. “Why’d I let you talk me into drinking so much?”

Ashley got up and poured her a cup of coffee. “Do you still take cream and sugar? And don’t blame me, you brought two bottles.”

“Cream only. Thanks.”

Now that I knew Emily was okay, I could go back to my SUV. I needed to get some work done, and I was supposed to be watching from a distance, not hovering over her shoulder.

“Excuse me ladies, I’m going back downstairs. Call if you need anything.”

“Aren’t you going to make Emily breakfast?”

“She said she didn’t want any.” I answered Ashley, then turned my attention to Emily and offered again. “I can cook you some eggs if you want.”

“That’s okay. I’m not ready to eat yet.” Her voice sounded shaky.

“Alright. Let me know when you’re ready to leave.”


“You’re welcome.” I turned to Ashley. “Can you lock the door behind me.” It wasn’t a suggestion.

“Yes, sir.” She stood up and saluted.

Why does everyone feel the need to salute me?

When we got to the door, I handed her my card. “Emily isn’t looking so good. Call me if she gets worse or if she needs anything.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine after she eats and takes some aspirin. She won’t be doing cartwheels or anything, but she’ll be functional.”

“I hope so.” It crossed my mind that I might need to drive her home and come back later to get her car.