Page 28 of Beaten

Shit, he sounded worried. “How’d he know we were coming out?”

I didn’t realize I’d asked out loud until he answered me. “I saw you get off the elevator and stumble towards the door. Are you okay?”

Fear had a sobering effect. I looked down at my feet, too embarrassed, too worried, to answer.He’s going to be mad at me.

“We’re good. Very, very good.” Ashley was practically drooling as she gave Jamie the once over. I looked up to see Jamie staring at me and blushed, knowing I must look like the drunken fool I was.

“We, um, Ashley-”I’m so embarrassed. He’s going to be mad, and he’d probably tell my brother.I’m in so much trouble.

“What’s she’s trying to say is, would you like to come up and have some Chinese food and wine?”

“Thanks, but I’m good. I’ll walk you back to your apartment, then come back down.” Jamie answered Ashley without taking his eyes off of me. “You shouldn’t be walking around in your condition.”

“Why? We’ve got you to protect us.” When Ashley put her hand on Jamie’s arm, he gently removed it. She wasn’t slurring, or tripping over her words, as much as I was, but she was definitely acting drunk. Ashley was a flirt in general, but she was a much bigger flirt when drunk.

This was a bad idea; we shouldn’t have come down.Jamie will be so angry with me. I wasn’t supposed to draw attention to the person shadowing me and here we were talking about it in the lobby.

“Aw come on, don’t be a party-pooper.” Ashley whined.

Jamie never took his eyes off me. Instead of answering Ashely, he asked, “How much have you had to drink, Emily?”

“I um, I’m not sure.” I couldn’t tell if he was upset or disappointed. Expecting to get yelled at, I mentally braced myself.

“A lot!” Ashley answered eagerly. “She’s finally free from Asshat Craig so let her have some fun.”

“Alright, let’s get you two upstairs.” I wasn’t sure, but I thought I detected humor in his voice. “Ashley, Emily is in no condition to drive, can she stay here tonight?”

“Hell yeah, BFF Sleepover.” Ashley raised her hands in the air like a cheerleader leading her squad.

I wanted to share in Ashley’s girlish joy at the thought of a sleepover, but I couldn’t let go of my worry that I’d be in trouble when Jamie told Chris.Jamie’s just being nice, and not yelling, because Ashley’s here. I’d hear about it tomorrow. From Jamie, and Chris.I just know he’ll tell Chris all about this.

“Emily, it’s okay that you’re having fun. We all,” he paused and grinned, “have fun from time to time,” he put have fun in air quotes. “But you can’t drive like this. Do you want me to text Chris so he and your parents don’t worry?”

Wait, what? Did he just ask me what I want?Was I wrong when I assumed he’d report me back to Chris? Would he tell them I’m staying without mentioning that I got drunk?

I needed to answer him.

“I’ll tell them.” Then I added as an afterthought. “Thanks.”

When we reached Ashley’s door, she asked, “You sure you don’t want to come in?” She was still flirting.

“If it’s okay, I’ll just use the bathroom, then leave you two to your sleepover.”

The minute Jamie was out of sight, I slapped at Ashley’s arm. “What the fuck Ash, you practically threw yourself at him.”

“Sorry.” She raised her eyebrows at me. “You said you didn’t like him, but you sound… a bit jealous. Tsk Tsk.” She wagged her finger at me like a scolding school marm.

“Shhhh.” I put my hand over her mouth and looked over her shoulder. Jamie was coming back.

“Alright, I’m going to leave you two to your fun.” He grinned. “I recommend drinking some water and maybe taking some aspirin before going to bed.”

God, he has a sexy grin. I bet he’s a good kisser.

Must be the alcohol talking, or Ashley’s influence. If I said it enough, I’d believe it.I mean, I can think a guy has a sexy grin without liking him. Right?

“You sure you don’t want to stay?”

“I can’t, I’m working.”