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“This is bad.” My voice cracked. “He could already be here.”

“I know, son. I promise we’ll do everything in our power to bring her home. I won’t let another son lose the woman he loves to a maniac.”

Jamie ran home to get his sniper rifle and gear while the rest of us stayed at the office and searched traffic cams for the plate. He jumped on his computer to help search as soon as he got back. Doug's tech skills, and Air Force contacts, came in handy as he helped us gain access to video feeds we might not otherwise have.

Around eight, mom brought us pizza, coffee, and snacks. There wasn’t much she could do to help other than feed us and offer moral support. She gave me a long mama bear hug before leaving, taking a second to re-assure me, addressing my unspoken fear. “You’ll find her, Jack, and you’ll save her.” She pulled back and looked me in the eye before saying, “I have faith in you, in all my boys.” I needed to hear that more than she knew. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before breaking the hug and saying the rest of her goodbyes.

It was just after ten when we got our first hit on the license plate from a gas station camera west of Dallas. The time stamp read eight-eleven. Now that we had a general direction, we could refine the search parameters. Doug was checking the phone number every fifteen minutes, but they hadn’t turned it back on.

I prayed,Hold on Meg, keep fighting, we’ll find you. It gave me something to focus on and helped keep my fear from overwhelming me. I remembered the scene in Ever After when the prince showed up after Cinderella had saved herself. I wouldn’t be the least bit disappointed if that was how this story ended.

I was leaning back in my chair when I heard Doug say, “Gotcha.” I jumped up and ran over to see what he’d found.

“They turned the phone on. I’m tracing it now.”

I looked at my watch: four-thirty.Please God, don't let us be too late.

“The phone is less than an hour north of here, near Aurora. I’m zeroing in on the exact location now.”

“Get ready to roll. I want everyone in a vest.” Dad asked, “Can you track from the road?”

“Yeah, let me get a lock first, then I’m good to go.”

“Sharpe, Janerek, you’re with Jamie. Call us with the location once you’ve got a lock on it. Jack and I are heading in that direction now.”

“Let’s go.” I said, already striding towards the door, pulling my black long-sleeve tee over my vest as I walked. I wasn’t willing to wait those precious minutes while Doug got the location.

Dad and I were only on the road for a few minutes when Doug called and gave us the coordinates. Meg was in a cabin in a wooded area outside Aurora.

Dad reminded me to hold it together. We needed to assess the situation when we got on site, then make a plan. “We’re not running in half cocked. I won’t risk anyone getting killed.”

“Yes, sir.” I drummed my fingers on my thighs, willing him to drive faster.

Chapter 48


Iwoke up and blinked away the fog in my mind.Where am I?I tried sitting up, but everything hurt, and my wrists and ankles were duct taped.

I panicked as everything came rushing back. The duct tape covering my mouth was pulling at my lips as I tried to breathe through my mouth. My chest started to burn and my eyes were watering. I forced myself to take a few deep breaths through my nose and tried to remember what I’d learned in the self defense class. Keep breathing so you don’t hyperventilate and pass out.

First, I needed to get my hands in front of me. I wiggled my hands down the back of my legs, contorting so I could bring my feet through my hands.

Second, I needed to stand up and break the duct tape wrapped tightly around my wrists. I wiggled to the side of the bed. My head spun when I stood up too fast. I fell back down on the bed and waited for my head to clear before trying again, slower this time.So far, so good. I raised my hands above my head and swung them down, pulling them apart like Jamie showed us.

It didn’t work. I tried again. It still didn’t work.

Panic forced the air out of my lungs.What do I do? What do I do?

I searched frantically for something I could use to cut the duct tape.

Idiot.I ripped the tape off my mouth and choked back a scream.So much worse the ripping off a bandaid! I used my teeth to tear the duct tape on my wrists, then sat down and removed the tape from my ankles. I wiggled my hands and feet to get the blood flowing again.

I could hear the muffled sounds of people talking outside the door. I tiptoed over to hear better.

Guy 1: Sullivan is gonna be pissed you bruised her face.

Guy 2: Bitch shot me. She deserved it.