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“Yes, you should have. I’m not ready for you to stay here.”

“Meg, if—”

“Please don’t make this a bigger deal than it is. If there’s proof he’s on his way here, then I’ll let you stay with me. Okay?” The likelihood of my father wanting to find me was slim, the likelihood of him having the ability to find me was slimmer. He probably passed out behind some bar or was hiding because he owed someone money again.

Jack didn’t seem okay to me. He clenched his jaw a few times before he answered. “I’ll hold you to it. I mean it.” He held my eyes for a second before leaning in and kissing me on my forehead. “Let’s finish dinner.”

We finished dinner in relative silence and Jack left shortly after. I had expected nightmares to haunt me all night, but they didn’t.

Wednesday was mostly normal, except my nerves were on edge. Jack spooked me last night, though I would never admit it. I didn’t believe for a second my father could find me without a lot of help, and I knew he couldn’t afford to pay for the help he’d need. I kept telling myself not to worry.So why am I so jumpy?

I went home to shower and change before driving to Beth’s. I loved babysitting Chase. He was a great kid. We played a couple of games of tag in the backyard. Every time he tagged me, he’d screech “You’re it” at the top of his lungs. After a tasty dinner of Chase’s favorite meal, dinosaur shaped mac and cheese, we sat down and colored. Chase picked a Pterodactyl for me and a T-Rex for himself. I laughed when he called me ‘a silly girl’ for giving my dinosaur purple wings.

I texted Jack after reading Chase his favorite bed-time story.

Thank God Chase is finally asleep.

Did he wear you out?

Yeah. We colored after dinner. I colored my dino’s wings purple.

Purple? Really?


LOL What did Chase have to say about that?

He called me a silly girl.

I saw lights in the driveway.

Beth’s home, gotta go.

Text me when you get home.

Please. xoxo

*thumbs up*

Chapter 46


Ihad plenty of time before Jack picked me up for our range date on Thursday, so I picked up my book and leaned back on my bed.

I jumped when I heard a loud knock at the door.Did I lose track the time?It wouldn’t be the first time it happened when I was reading. I looked at the clock.Nope.Itwas too early for Jack, besides it didn’t sound like Jack’s normal knock, and he always announced himself.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I put my book down and walked to the living room. Whoever was knocking at my door was really impatient. I was stretching up on my toes to look through the peephole when I heard: “Maggie, it’s your dad. Open up.”

The only thing moving was my heart getting ready to beat out of my chest.It can’t be.How the hell did he find me?

I sucked in air. My breaths coming fast and shallow. I forced myself to slow down.

I peered through the peephole. It was him. He was older, thinner, sicker; but I’d know his face anywhere. It still haunted me.

I backed away.He’s probably not alone.I walked backwards towards the couch, where my range bag was sitting on the floor, praying for Jack to come early.