Page 77 of Taken

I made dinner for Jack on Tuesday. Our relationship wasn’t the same and probably never would be, but it was okay. This time, we were being completely honest, and it was taking some getting used to. I’d never been able to be completely honest with anyone. There had always been something I had to hide. It felt good, and a little scary, to be so open.

I apologized a lot. I’d still change the subject anytime Jack brought up something I could never talk about before. Like when he finally asked me about my parents. At first, I tried to change the subject.

“Meg, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about something. But say it, no more deflecting.” Jack said as he poured himself a glass of water. “Please.” He added.

“I’d rather not talk about that right now.” I said to the pan of noodles I was stirring.

“Hey, look at me.” He waited until I met his gaze. “Thank you.” He relaxed against the counter. “Anything I can do to help?”

“Nah, all I have left is to mix and bake.”

During dinner, Jack got a text. “I’m sorry, I need to call Jamie.”

“Of course.” My pulse quickened. Jack rarely ever did more than glance at his phone when we were together.I hope everyone is okay.I expected Jack to get up and seek some privacy, but he didn’t.

“What’s going on?” Jack asked. After a few seconds, he met my gaze, his eyes full of concern.Shit. It’s about me. “Okay, thanks, I’ll let her know.”

“What?” My voice cracked.

“I’m sorry I have to tell you this, but Agent Jones called Jamie a few minutes ago. Your mom died earlier this week.” I stared at my plate, but didn’t react. “They’re ruling it an accidental overdose.” He stood and walked around the small table to kneel beside of me. "I'm sorry, Meg."

I stared at him. I should feel something. Shock, sadness, regret for cutting her out of my life. Any of those would be a normal reaction to losing a parent, but I felt nothing. “I should probably feel sad, but I don’t. Am I a bad person for not feeling sad?”

Jack hugged me. “No.”

He pulled back. “I’m sorry, but there’s more.”More?The way he said gave me chills. “Your father missed his parole check in this morning.”

“Do they think he’s dead, too?” It wouldn’t be the worst news. I might not react to my mother’s death, but I would celebrate his.

“They aren’t speculating. They sent an officer to the apartment when he didn’t show up. That’s when they found your mom.”Given his history, he’ll probably turn up drunk on a street somewhere. “They’ve issued a warrant for his arrest. Jones said he’ll keep us informed.” Jack rubbed the back of my trembling hands with his thumbs.

“I shouldn’t worry, right? I mean, he doesn’t know my new name, or where I live, and he’s a drunken loser. He won’t be able to find me.” My voice trembled. “Right?” I really needed him to reassure me.

“Probably not, but I’m not taking any chances.” Jack said, “You should stay with me for a while.”

“I, uh, I don’t think...” I didn’t know what I wanted to say, but I didn’t want to stay with Jack. “Is it really necessary?”

“Yes, it is. If you don’t want to stay with me, I can stay here. Until we know for sure what’s going on with your father, we’re considering him a threat.”

He was only on the phone for a few seconds. How’d he plan all this? I pulled my hands free. My mind raced with panic and anger. I couldn’t deal with the threat right now, so I latched on to my anger. “What the fuck Jack? You can’t just tell me you’re moving in.”

Shock crossed his face when I pushed him away. He sounded tired when he said, “I wouldn’t be moving in. This is a temporary solution.”

I was over-reacting, but I still wasn’t ready to let go of my anger. Or face my fear. I didn’t know what to say, so I stared at the floor.

Jack put his hands on my knees. “Please look at me. I know you don’t want to hear this, and I don’t want to say it, but if we could connect your past to your present, others can, too. And that scares me.”

“I know.” Tears filled my eyes as my emotions overwhelmed me. I was nervous, but I didn’t think I could handle him spending the night.

“I’d feel a lot better if you weren’t here alone.” He paused. “If it makes you more comfortable, I can sleep on the couch.”

“You can’t.”Damn it. My voice sounded a lot less confident than I wanted it to. I didn’t want him to see me blinking back my tears, so I stared at my hands. Maybe someday I wouldn’t cry over everything.

“Can’t do what? Sleep on the couch? Stay over?”

“Announce that you’re staying here without asking me.”

Jack’s eyes rounded. “Oh man, I’m sorry. You’re right, I should have asked.” He leaned back on his heels and looked genuinely ashamed.