Page 48 of Taken

“I know, but it wouldn’t have been very gentlemanly of me to invite myself over and then expect you to cook.” He winked.

Thatwink. It was silly of me to think I was special. He probably winked at everyone.

“Table or living room?” Jack asked as he put the bag down and locked my door. He inhaled. “Mmm. Smells good in here.”

“I’m baking cookies. The table. I’ll grab plates. Sorry I don’t have any beer or wine or, well, anything except coffee or water.”

“No worries, I brought both. Do you have wine glasses?”

“No, sorry.” I checked the cupboard. “I don’t actually have any clean glasses. They’re currently full of flowers.” I laughed to cover up my embarrassment. “We can use coffee mugs, or I could wash some glasses.” I smiled at the mini bouquet I’d placed on the counter.

“Mugs work. I’m not picky.”

“Cool.” I passed plates and empty mugs over the counter separating my kitchen from the dining area and living room. I filled two more mugs with water from the pitcher in the refrigerator and carried them in.

I almost dropped the cups of water when I saw the pink and white carnations in a gorgeous crystal vase sitting in the middle of the table with a colorful Happy Birthday balloon sticking out the top.

“Jack?” I couldn’t move my legs as a million questions raced through my mind.How did he sneak in a vase? How’d he set it up so quickly? And without me seeing? How did he know it was my birthday? When did he go shopping for flowers?

Jack stood there and waited for me to take it all in. A smug expression plastered on his face.

“How?” I asked, shaking my head.

“I overheard Grant wish you a happy belated birthday, so I did some sleuthing to find the date.”

“Sleuthing?” I said it as a joke, but must have sounded worried. I saw concern flash across Jack’s face before he chuckled and said, “Not exactly sleuthing, I asked my mom.” He took the mugs from my hands. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you,” I whispered. Overcome with emotion, I blinked back tears before they could spill over. “This is so sweet. But you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. Why didn’t you tell me on Saturday it was your birthday?” He was standing in front of me again. I craned my neck to look up at him as he brushed my hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear.

“That would have been weird. ‘Hey, I know it’s our first date and all, but it’s my birthday.’ I didn’t want to make it weird.”

He laughed and pulled me into a hug. “When you put it that way.” He pulled back a little and gave me a quick peck on the forehead. “Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

He was so sweet. And gorgeous. His dark gray polo showed off his muscular chest and arms. And he smelled good, clean with hints of pine and leather. He wasn’t making it easy for me to keep my distance.

He helped me clear the table before refilling my wine mug and grabbing himself another beer, and walking to the couch.

“Come here, sit. I have one more surprise for you.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. “Nope, don’t say it. Sit down, accept your birthday gift and say thank you.” He held his hands in front of him, as if praying, before adding, “Please.”

There was no point in arguing, so I nodded and sat down. It felt weird having someone spoil me. I kind of liked it, and that scared me.Don’t get used to it.

Jack handed me a gift bag. “Sorry it’s not wrapped better.”

“Seriously?” I laughed at him. “You brought me dinner, wine, flowers, and a gift, and you’re apologizing for not wrapping it better?”

Jack shrugged. He sipped his beer as he watched me open my present. I stared down in confusion at the pink and purple camo fabric, my brain trying to figure out what I was looking at. I pulled it out and shrieked as I recognized the shape.

“Oh my god, you bought me a pink and purple camo range bag. I love it!” I leaned over and gave him a quick hug, in case my words hadn’t properly expressed my gratitude. “Thank you, Jack. It’s perfect.” It was smaller than Jack’s but big enough to hold my gun and gear.

“You’re welcome.” He nodded towards the bag. “Look inside.”

I pulled out a cleaning kit, two extra magazines, a box of ammo. And a book.I can’t believe he bought me a book too.

“Thank you.” I didn’t want him to see my tears, even if they were happy ones, so I looked down. Crying over happy stuff pissed me off. It was stupid. “You’re so sweet. This is one of the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received.” I put the range bag to the side and hugged him. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I pulled away and tried to wipe it away without Jack noticing. Of course I failed.Seriously, he notices everything.