Chapter 2
I’d only been working at Grannie’s for a week and wanted to make a good impression, so I kept myself busy wiping down the tables after the morning rush. So far I liked it, everyone was nice and the shop was usually busy, so I was making good tips. I hurried behind the counter when I heard the bell above the door ring. Three men walked in wearing matching navy blue polo shirts with a white shield logo embroidered on the upper left corner. I watched them as they approached the counter, their heads turning left and right.
The oldest of the three reached his hand over the counter and introduced himself. “Hi, you must be the new barista, Megan. I’m John, Mary’s husband. It’s nice to meet you.” His unblinking stare drilled into me. It felt like he was trying to read my mind and didn’t like what he could see.
Mary’s husband.
“Hi, I, um, I’m Meg.” I stuttered as I reached out to shake his hand.Oh MyGod, he’s going to think I’m an idiot.
John gave me a quick, firm handshake before turning to the two guys with him. “I’ll get your mom.”
I felt like a deer caught in the headlights as I watched John walk around the corner towards Mary’s office.Holy shit! He’s intimidating.He was the complete opposite of Mary…
“Don’t worry. He’s not -”
I jumped and spun my head around. “Shit.”Fuck, I said shit. “Sorry.”Crap, I’m making a complete fool of myself.
“No worries.” The shorter of the two laughed and held his hand out. He had short, dark brown hair and a friendly smile. “I’m Jamie, this is my little brother, Jack.”
I shook his hand and looked from Jamie to Jack, my eyes landing on his chest.Little brother?My eyes moved up his chest to his face.He was at least four inches taller-Damn!I’d seen good-looking guys before, but never one who looked like he’d just walked off a Hollywood movie set. Tall, dark, and ruggedly handsome fit him to a tee. The tanned skin around his amber eyes crinkled as he smiled. His lopsided grin held a hint of mischief. He had a slight cut on the left side of his mouth.I wonder what happened?
“Hi.” He reached out to shake my hand.
“Hi.” I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.Great.“I, um, what can I get you guys?” I asked as I reached out to shake his extended hand.Please tell me I don’t look or sound as flustered as I feel. My small hand disappeared in his. He didn’t pull his hand back right away. Neither did I.
“We’ll wait.” Jamie answered, then to Jack. “Let’s grab a table so Meg can help her customers.”
Neither of us moved. I could feel Jack’s stare boring into me. I didn’t feel like he was judging. Not like I had with his dad. He seemed… curious.
Can he see my roots? Sometimes they’re more obvious when my hair is in a ponytail. I ran my hand over my head, smoothing out my tightly pulled back hair.
Jamie snapped his fingers in front of Jack’s face.
Jack turned towards him and pulled his hand away. I looked down, suddenly fascinated by the black pen on the counter. I didn’t want them to see how flustered I felt.
He gave me a quick wave with one hand while nudging Jack with the other. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Jamie! Jack!” Mary’s voice carried across the room as she walked into the dining room.
I watched the exchange out of the corner of my eye as I helped the five high school girls, the ones I hadn’t noticed because I was too busy embarrassing myself in front of Mary’s sons.
“Hi Ma.” They answered in unison, smiling.
After giving them both a hug, Mary came behind the counter, washed her hands, and started making drinks.
Beth came back from break. “I got this Mary, go see your boys.”
“Thanks,” she said as she finished the drink she was making. John came over to help her carry the coffees she’d poured for all of them. His smile radiated love.He looks a little less intimidating when he smiles.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened as I made the rest of the drinks. My brain switched between thoughts faster than a hummingbird in a garden as I went through the motions of making drinks.What the fuck was that?Grind the beans.I don’t get all flustered because a gorgeous guy smiled at me.Tamp, press start.He’s just being polite.Steam the milk.Did I put the chocolate sauce in the cup? Crap.Pour chocolate sauce in espresso and add steamed milk.Focus.Extra whip on the Mocha.Don’t think about it, just do your job.
I called out the names as I set each drink on the counter.Don’t look over at Mary.
I looked. Not because I wanted to look at Jack. No, I looked because I could hear the girls whispering near the counter. They were talking about Jack and Jamie, so it was perfectly normal for me to look at them. At least that’s what I told myself.
Beth rolled her eyes in mock exasperation when she heard one girl say, “He’s hot.”