“Yes, sir.” I winked at Meg. “Nothing but a pack mule.”
Chapter 20
Iglanced in the bathroom mirror one last time before going back to the dining room. I didn’t look too silly in my cowgirl costume. The jean skirt hung to my knees, a few inches above the top of my boots. The red and white checked button-up shirt fit tight and was thin enough to see through, so I had a white tank top on underneath. I let the cowboy hat hang on my back.
I couldn’t wait to see Jack in his cowboy costume. I wondered if he’d be wearing chaps. A vision of Jack looking sexy as sin dressed as a cowboy, chaps and all, invaded my mind.Damn it, I have to stop thinking about him. I can’t let it happen. I couldn’t risk getting involved with anyone.
I looked around the dining room as I walked to the raffle table I’d be working with Beth. I told myself I wasn’t searching for Jack, but I totally was. Grannie's place looked completely different once it was fully decorated and lit up with orange and purple twinkle lights. We’d pushed all the tables together near the walls and set them up to display the raffle items. The center of the room was clear and people were mingling about. There’d be dancing later. From my position at the raffle table, I could see the entire shop. I should feel safe with all the police officers around, not to mention Jack and the other guys from SSI, but I still felt better knowing I could see everything and everyone. I learned a long time ago not to depend on anyone else for my safety.
Mary transformed the coffee bar into a boozy bar for the night with Jamie, Jack and AJ bartending. She had beer and wine, and soda for kids and adults who wanted alcohol free options. There was regular drip coffee too, but they wouldn’t be making any fancy, or “Frou Frou” as Jack called them, drinks tonight.
I watched the room come to life as people arrived, some in costume, others in uniform. Mary and John seemed to know everyone, which shouldn’t surprise me since they both grew up here. A sense of nostalgia washed over me. Could a person have nostalgia for something they never had, a loving family and a tightknit community, but always wanted? My head was a mess as I watched a uniformed police officer greet John with a handshake and a pat on the shoulder before giving Mary a big hug.
The coffee shop buzzed with energy.
Beth and I tapped our feet to the eclectic mix of Halloween and country music while we sold raffle tickets. I took advantage of the 5 for $20 raffle ticket deal because someone had donated a SIG p320c and I wanted to win it. It was just like the one Jack let me try, and the one I liked the most. If I won, it’d save me over six hundred dollars! I probably wouldn’t. I never won anything. But it was worth the twenty dollars to try, plus the money was going towards a good cause.
I was people watching when I saw Jack standing near the door, talking to a couple. Damn, he looks good in his costume. No, not good. Good wasn’t nearly strong enough. Great, amazing.Sexy. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as my gaze wondered from the blue plaid shirt that hugged his muscular back to his rock-hard ass framed by brown leather chaps.
Beth chuckled beside me. “He looks good, doesn’t he?”
I felt her watching me as I stared at Jack. I stared at the table to hide my embarrassment.
“Yeah, he, uh, they all do, especially Chase.” I nodded in his direction. “He’s adorable in his Woody costume. It’s cute how he wanted to match the guys in their cowboy costumes.” I didn’t think she’d buy it, my lame attempt to change the subject.
“Mmm hmm.” Nope, she didn’t buy it at all.
She didn’t get to say anything else because someone asked to buy some raffle tickets. I turned my attention back to Jack. He used his beer to tip his cowboy hat, a big sexy grin on his face. I forced myself to wave, and breathe. I intended for it to be a normal full hand wave, but gave him one of those silly finger wiggling waves instead.
A little while later, Jack sauntered over to the raffle table, took off his cowboy hat, and bowed with a theatrical flourish, “Howdy ladies.” He turned to Beth. “Mind if I steal Meg for a dance?” The orange and purple lights hanging over the raffle tables caused the gold specks in his amber eyes to sparkle.
“Not at all.” Beth answered before I could say no.
This was bad. I would probably embarrass myself again by tripping over my feet or stepping on his toes.
“Go.” She gave me a soft push. “Have some fun.”
Jack held out his hand as I stepped around the table. My small hand tingled when he grasped it in his big strong one.
“I don’t know how to do any of these dances.” I protested as he led me to the dance floor. People were lining up for a line dance as an upbeat country song started playing.
“It’s easy. Follow my lead.”
Jack held my hand as he talked me through the steps, only letting go when it we had to turn. Despite knowing I shouldn’t, I missed his strong, warm hand every time he let go. By the middle of the song, I had learned most of the steps and didn’t need Jack to lead anymore. I wouldn’t admit it, though. I wanted him to keep holding my hand.
Why are you doing this to yourself?I would never forgive myself if something happened to him because I couldn’t keep my distance. He deserved better than to be dragged into my mess. A mess that was getting messier by the minute as my mind and my body argued about what to do.
I laughed as Jack hooked his thumbs in his belt and exaggerated the steps while singing along. I thought about doing it too, but was afraid I’d look like a fool. When he reached for my hand again, I didn’t resist. It felt good. It was getting harder to convince myself he was only being nice.
I tried to pull my hand free when the song ended so I could return to the raffle table, but Jack didn’t let it go. He spun me around and pulled me in. At five-foot-five, my head only reached his chest. He wrapped his right arm around my back and gently held me in place.
“I should get back to the table.” I didn’t pull my hand away or even lift my head off his chest.
“Beth has it covered. Relax and dance with me. Please.”
I looked over at Beth. Part of me wanted it to be true so I could stay in Jack’s arms, and part of me wanted Beth to need me so I could avoid being so close to him.