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She closed the distance between us at a brisk walk and knocked me off balance, in more ways than one, when she wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed. I adjusted my legs so we didn’t fall over and hugged her back, my arms wrapped tightly around her waist. The unexpected surge of emotions had my head spinning. I tried to ignore how good it felt to hold her in my arms. And failed.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Meg said as she stepped back.

I released her. Reluctantly.

I crossed my hands in front of my pants to cover up the evidence of how much I enjoyed holding her. It was a perfectly natural response to being hugged by a gorgeous woman.

“Sorry for the ambush. I don-”

I cut her off. “Don’t apologize. I needed a friendly hug.” I put a hand on her lower back and guided her towards the door. “Let’s go eat. I’m famished.”

After we ordered, she asked if she could see my arm. Gauze covered it so there wasn’t much to see, but I couldn’t say no.

“Does it hurt?” She asked as I rolled up my sleeve.

“Not too bad. It’s a big scratch, no biggie. See?” I held out my bandaged arm. She held my wrist and turned my arm left and right, her face scrunched up. I recognized it as her thinking expression.

“That’s a big bandage for a scratch.”

“Well, I did say it’s a big scratch.”

I tried to pay for lunch when our server brought the bill, but Meg argued with me. I had half hoped this might be a date because she hadn’t corrected me, but I should’ve known better.It’s better this way.Our first date wouldn’t be a last-minute lunch date. Meg deserved better. She was different than most women I’d dated. The others rarely offered to pay, and never argued about it.Especially Ana. I appreciated her independence, and this wasn’t a date, but I could only take so much damage to my ego. I finally convinced her to let me pay by offering to let her leave the tip.

Before we left, we agreed to meet at the range on Wednesday to make up for the non-lesson we missed today.

My parents, and Jamie, were waiting for me when I got home. Mom ran over and wrapped me in a great big mama bear hug. I’d never be too old for her hugs. She poured all her love and worry into it, and I’m pretty sure I heard her sniffle. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“I’m fine, ma. I promise.” She wouldn’t have been half as worried if Newman hadn’t used the word stabbed.

She kissed me on the cheek, then swatted me on the back of my head. “You scared me half to death.”

I pretended I didn’t see her wipe a tear off her cheek.

“Ow.” I rubbed my head, feigning pain. “In my defense, it was Sgt. Newman who scared you, not me.”

Dad and Jamie both gave me typical man hugs, patting me on the back and not saying anything. Ma glared at dad when he ushered me and Jamie into his home office.

“Don’t worry, I’ll have them back to you in half an hour.”

“You better.” She put her hands on her hips to make sure he knew she meant it. I wanted a love like theirs someday.

Jamie sat in front of dad’s desk and opened his laptop. I sat next to him.

Something in their demeanor made me worry. “Is this about Meg?”

“Yes. We got a hit using facial recognition.” He paused and rubbed his chin. “Some of this will be hard to hear, so I’m going to rip the bandaid off. Until six years ago, Meg’s name was Margaret Graham.” He paused, giving me a moment to let it sink in.

“It was easier to find more information once we had her name.”

I balled my fists in my lap in anticipation of what he was about to tell me.

“Both her parents got arrested shortly before the FBI changed her name.”

Parents arrested? FBI? I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. I thought she might be in trouble, but I wasn’t expecting something of this magnitude. This was bad.

“Your intuition was right. She’s hiding, but not from a stalker.”

I looked from my father to my brother and back again. “Jesus.”