As we sat and talked, seeing Meg frequently check the door bruised my ego. It might be egotistical, but I couldn’t help it.I’m a trained bodyguard, for Christ’s sake. She should feel safe with me.My jaw clenched as I thought about the person who hurt her, my desire to punch said person growing stronger by the second. I wanted to ask her about it, but it didn’t feel like the right time. She was relaxed and having fun, and I didn’t want to ruin it.
We didn’t stay long because she needed to go home and clean up before heading to Beth’s. I had to resist the urge to touch her as I walked her to her car. I put my hands in my pockets to prevent myself from reaching out and pulling her into a hug when I said goodbye.
Maybe next time, because there was no way in hell I wouldn’t find a way to see Meg again. She hadn’t said no when I asked her about a second range date, and she clearly had fun. It shouldn’t be too hard to convince her to come back for more.
Chapter 8
His weight crushes me when he passes out. I scramble out from under him and off the bed. I quickly tug on my clothes. Clothes I hate. Clothes I didn’t choose myself but am forced to wear. Clothes that advertise I was paid to do a job. A job I’m forced to do. I pick up the client’s phone and dial 9-1-1. Between sobs, I tell them I was kidnapped and raped. I tell them where I am. The lady on the phone tells me the police will arrive soon and asks me to stay on the phone. She asks my name just as I hear “You Bitch!” from behind me and feel two fat sweaty hands squeeze my throat.
My screams woke me up. I sat up in bed and clutched at my neck. I could still feel his hands. My lungs gasped for air as I looked around. “You’re in Texas and you’re okay. It was only a bad dream.” I hoped saying it out loud would help me calm down.
A few hours later, I was working at the register when Jack strolled into Grannie’s. It was Wednesday, and this was the first time I’d seen or talked to him since we’d gone to the range on Sunday. Which was probably a good thing. Nightmares had kept me up the last few nights, and I wasn’t up to being social.
I watched as he put his hands on the bar and lifted himself up so he could lean over and give his mom a peck on the cheek. Mary’s indulgent smile gave me the feeling this was a regular occurrence.
“Hi Ma.” Still leaning over the counter, he turned his head toward me. “Hey Meg. You want one too?”
Did he just wink?I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. Knowing my embarrassment was visible made me blush even more. Luckily, Mary saved me before I could stutter a reply and make a total fool of myself.
“Jackson! Behave yourself.” Mary swatted him with the stack of cardboard cup sleeves she was holding. I giggled. His full name was Jackson. Who knew?
“Yes, ma’am.” Jack stood up to his full height and gave me his order. “Can I get five large black coffees to go?”
Mary must have made a face behind me because Jack said, “Don’t worry, they’re not all for me.”
“I figured, but five?” Mary asked.
“One is for Doug. The guy dad’s interviewing today.”
I rang up Jack’s order while Mary poured the coffees. Then I panicked. Am I supposed to charge him or give him a discount? This was the first time I served someone from Mary’s family. She had served them the last time they came in, and Jack didn’t pay the day he helped me out, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t supposed to.
“Is there a, uh, family discount?” I asked Mary.
Jack answered, “Discount.” He winked. “Ma’s afraid we’ll drink her out of business if she gives us free coffee.”
“You would.” Mary laughed as she turned to me. “SSI gets a twenty percent discount for office orders. My boys get the employee discount.” That explained why he didn’t pay the day he helped me. Employees drank for free during their shifts.
I processed his payment without embarrassing myself.
Jack waited for his coffees at the end of the counter, watching as me as I carefully carried over his order. The fifth coffee balanced precariously in the center of the other four.
“Careful, the center one is a little wobbly.” I said as I handed him the tray.
Jack chuckled, “Of course, it’s a crime to spill coffee this good.”
“Damn straight it is!” Mary called out over her shoulder as she walked toward her office. “Give your dad and brother a kiss for me.”
“Not gonna happen ma, but I’ll tell them you wanted me to.” He rolled his eyes. Something in his expression hinted they’d had this conversation before.
I wish I had that; I thought as I watched the comfortable ease between Mary and Jack. My relationship with my mother was barely existent, let alone good. She was always too drunk or high to build a healthy relationship when I lived with her, and I hadn’t talked to her since moving out.
I started thinking about the last time I saw her. She was being arrested, charged with contempt of court for being drunk and shouting out in the courtroom. After ignoring my father’s abuse for years, she’d chosen that moment to stand up for me. I think she was more interested in avoiding abuse charges herself than standing up for me. Not only had it had been too little too late, it had caused pandemonium in the courtroom.
Jack looked like he was about to say something, but the bells above the door interrupted him.
He glanced at the group as they walked towards the counter, then asked, “Can I text you later?”