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“What will I do?”

“You can read, keep me company, watch a movie on my laptop.”

“If I say no, will you still go in?”

“Nope.” I knew it. He tried to play it off like a joke but he meant it.

“You know I’ll be okay here by myself for a few hours, right?”

“Yup, but the answer is still no. I’m not ready to let you out of my sight yet.” He flashed me his famous grin and wink combination turning me to putty in his hands. He knew I couldn’t say no.

“Fine.” I was learning to accept his occasionally over-bearing protective side without arguing, much. “I’ll bring a book.” I smiled and gave him a hug. “Thanks for asking.”

“You’re welcome.”

I tried to read in Jack’s office but ended up helping him file the back log of client folders instead. It felt good to be doing something, to feel useful. I wasn’t going back to work at Grannie’s until after the new year, so I went with him to the office every day that week, and helped in any way I could. I also got to know AJ and Doug better.

On New Year’s Eve, AJ and Doug came over. It was more of a gaming session than a party. They ordered pizza and wings and had plenty of beer and snacks on hand. I made Mexican brownies and bacon chocolate chip cookies, per their request. I heard Jack ask if anyone needed anything over the sound of the music I had playing softly in the kitchen while I cleaned up. I didn’t realize he was watching me sing and dance until I spun around. Jack stood frozen in place, gawking at me as I sang into my invisible microphone. I opened my eyes as wide as I could and wiggled my eyebrows, laughing.

“Marry me.” Jack blurted out, his voice huskier than usual.

My eyes almost bulged out of my face. I opened my mouth, but my brain was empty.

“Don’t move.” Jack ordered before running down the hall.

I looked at the surprised faces staring at me from the living room. “Did he just, um, propose and run away?”

“I believe he did.” AJ shook his head and laughed. “Idiot.”

Jack ran back to me. “I know I told you I’d wait,” He grabbed my uncast hand, “but since I blurted it out…” He got down on one knee. “Megan Hayes, I want to spend every day of the rest of my life loving you. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?”

Jack opened the jewelry box. Inside was a gorgeous round diamond framed by two emerald hearts.

I covered my gasp with my hands as tears formed in my eyes.

I leaned over, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. For once, I didn’t mind my tears.

Jack pulled back. “I’m gonna need an answer, sweetheart.”

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.” I wiped away my stupid, happy tears and kissed him again.

He placed the ring on my right ring finger. It fit perfectly. He pulled me onto his knee and kissed me. A kiss so full of love, I completely forgot about the three men in the living room. Until I heard them clapping and cheering.

“This calls for a celebration! Let’s pop the champagne early!” Jamie called out.

They took turns shaking Jack’s hand and hugging me.

“Welcome to the family.” Jamie said as he hugged me.

“I’m so happy for you.” AJ picked me up in a big brother hug.

“Congratulations. Jack’s a lucky guy.” Doug gave me a quick hug.

Jack asked me to move in with him officially a few days after proposing. I thought it might be weird, but Jamie reminded me we’d been living together for a while and nothing needed to change.

We learned the art of compromise as we balanced my need to be independent with his need to take care of me.

“Have I told you how much I love your fierce independence?” Jack asked from behind me.