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I apologized. “Sorry, I’m babbling.” They were all staring at me.

“No need to apologize. We’re glad you figured it out.” Jamie said.

John asked, “How’d you break your wrist?”

A weird question, since he knew. “I jumped out of the window and tried to run away, but one of the guys chased me down and tackled me.”

“My brave girl.” Jack said with a smile before kissing my cheek.

“Brave? No, I’m a coward. I was terrified. I’ve spent my entire adult life running and hiding, and I was so scared of what Sullivan would do to me, all I could do was cry.”

“Megan, honey, you are one of the bravest individuals I have ever met. You’re not just a survivor, you’re a warrior.”

“I am?” There was no way that could be true.

“Meg, you’ve done so many brave things. The most recent was yelling at me for not helping Jack.” He paused chuckled.

I should have felt flattered, but I was too nervous. He still intimidated me, and I really didn’t want to piss him off. “I didn’t, did I? Did I really yell at you? I didn’t mean to.” My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my head. “You scare the shit out of me.”Shit! I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Mary, who’d been sitting quietly, listening the whole time, busted out laughing.

“I’m so sorry, Mr Sheppard.”

“It’s John, and it’s okay. I’ve been told I can be intimidating.” He and Mary shared a look. “Despite me ‘scaring the shit out of you’, you didn’t hesitate to accuse me of not helping my son. You have balls of steel, Meg, and any doubts I might’ve had about you being the right girl for Jack disappeared at that moment. He needs someone like you, someone who’s not afraid to call him out on his bullshit, and you’ve got what it takes.”

“Thank you.” I croaked out as tears threatened to spill over again. Never in a million years did I expect to get a stamp of approval from Jack’s dad.John, he wants me to call him John.And he called me Meg.

Chapter 54


Jack and I adjusted to living together as we healed. I struggled with Jamie doing so much for me and not letting me help. I’d always had to be responsible for myself, and I didn’t know how to let others take care of me. After a week of accepting his help without arguing.Well, not too much anyway.I decided I’d had enough.

“Jamie, why won’t you let me do anything to help?”

“Because you need to rest and recover.”

“You’re already helping me so much by letting me stay here. The least I can do is earn my keep while I’m here.” I paused and pointed at Jack. “You’re letting Jack do stuff.”

“Because my injuries aren’t as bad as yours. I’m almost completely healed.” I stared daggers at him. He should be on my side.

“It’s not like I’m crippled or laid up in bed. It’s a cast.” I lifted my arm to show them. “A cast doesn’t prevent me from taking care of myself.” My voice was barely above a whisper. “I can, you know, take care of myself.”

“I know you can, but you don’t have to. Not anymore.” Jack begged, “Let us spoil you a little while longer, please?”

“Can I at least help cook? I don’t like feeling useless, and sitting around doing nothing makes me anxious.”

Jack and Jamie looked at each other. I couldn’t tell exactly what messages they were sending each other, but I felt like I was close to getting my way. “Please?” I begged, my hands in prayer position. “I promise I won’t overdo it.”

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let you help cook, but you can’t complain anymore. If, at your next checkup, the doctor says you’re healing and there aren’t any issues with your arm, then maybe we can let you help out a little more. Agreed?” Jamie asked.

“Yes! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” I gave Jamie a big hug.

“Where’s mine?” Jack feigned jealousy.

We went to John and Mary’s for Christmas. Our original plan was to leave after lunch, but I felt so comfortable we stayed the whole day. The best part of the day was the hug John gave me as a greeting. Meeting Jamie’s twin, Madi, and their youngest brother, Jayden, was cool even if it was via video chat.

Jack went back to work, on light duty, per his father’s orders the week after Christmas. They had a backlog of paperwork because no one liked doing it. His dad figured it was the perfect job for Jack while he recovered.

He asked me if I wanted to tag along.