There was a pause before he continued, “Don’t give me that look, son. I verified your vest stopped the bullet and applied pressure to your arm.”
“Good to know.” Jack chuckled.
“She was worried about you, and a hell of a lot braver than she thinks. All I did was remind her.”
Hearing John tell Jack about what happened after he got shot stirred a memory.
“Jack, who’s Sarah?” I croaked. My throat felt like sandpaper.
“You’re awake.” Jack walked over, sat down, and held my good hand. “Are you in any pain?”
His right arm was in a sling. “No. Is your arm okay?”
“Yeah, just a few stitches.” Jack grabbed a cup with a straw in it. “Here, take a sip.”
“Thanks.” The cold water soothed my scratchy throat. “You need a sling for a few stitches?”
“The bullet nicked my muscle, so Doc said I shouldn’t use the arm for a few days.” He grinned and lifted his arm. “We’ll have matching slings.”
I stared at him for a few seconds. He was being cute, but I was too tired to laugh. “And your ribs?”
“A few cracks on the right side, no breaks. I’ll have a bruise the size of Texas on my chest for a while. Luckily, it’s all wrapped up because it’s not be pretty.” He laughed, then moaned.
“Does it hurt?”
“A little.” He must have seen how worried I was because he added, “But only until the pain meds kick in.”
“So who’s Sarah? I think that’s what AJ was yelling after you got shot, that and,” I searched my memory. “Drella or something...”
Jack and his dad both laughed. It was John who finally answered me.
“I think you mean Sierra and Cinderella. Jack’s call sign is Sierra Three. We gave you Cinderella as your call sign.”
“Oh.” I yawned, too tired to ask why I needed a call sign. Then I remembered something John said and fought off my sleepiness.
“Did I really hit AJ? Did I hurt him? Is he mad at me?”
John chuckled. “Yes, no, and no, he’s not mad at you. He knows you didn’t mean it.”
I sighed. Thank God I didn’t hurt him. I felt Jack squeeze my hand. I looked back at him and asked, “Are you really okay?”
“I am.” He smiled. “Can I get you anything?”
I opened my mouth to answer, but yawned instead. “Sorry.” I closed my eyes, too tired to stay awake for another second.
Chapter 51
Iwas talking to my dad and Jamie when Meg called my name.
“I’m right here.” I reached out and brushed the hair off her face. “How are you feeling?”
“I want to go home.” Her voice was thick with sleep.
I didn’t answer right away, instead I begged my dad and Jamie for support with my eyes. She must have forgotten her apartment was a crime scene, and I didn’t want to freak her out by reminding her while she was half asleep.
She looked between me, my dad, and Jamie, then closed her eyes. She covered her face with her hands, wincing when she hit her bruised face with her cast. “I can’t, can I?” She sniffled. “I don’t have anywhere to live.”