I watched in slow-motion as Jack whipped his gun up and pointed it at Sullivan.
I felt the pressure of Sullivan's gun leave my temple a second before I saw it pointed at Jack. I flinched at the flash in front of my face when he pulled the trigger. The loud crackhead right next to my head made my ears ring.
The sharp sound of glass shattering behind us cut through the ringing in my ears.
I screamed as Jack fell. His head made a loud thump as it slammed against the floor, knocking him unconscious.
Sullivan’s head snapped back, and his arm tightened on my throat, before he dragged me down to the floor with him. I screamed when I landed on my wrist.
AJ shouted something about Sarah and drella. It was hard to understand him because of the ringing in my ears.
John rushed through the door, gun up, and scanned the room before dropping to his knees beside Jack.
I fought to free myself from Sullivan’s grasp. I turned and saw a pool of blood growing under his head.Did someone shoot him? I didn’t hear another gun go off. My stomach retched as I jerked back in revulsion. Someone tried to grab me. I fought them off, forgetting the pain in my wrist in my desperation.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” I slapped at the hands as I turned back to Jack.
I couldn’t take my eyes off his motionless body. I crawled to him on my knees and good hand, screaming and crying. “JACK! Jack, you can’t die! Please don’t be dead, Jack. Please?”
I flung myself on Jack when I finally reached him, begging, “Please don’t die Jack, I love you. You can’t die. Don’t be dead. Please.”
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up.
It was John. He was kneeling next to Jack, his other hand applying pressure to Jack’s right arm.
“WHY AREN’T YOU HELPING HIM?” I yelled as I stared at Jack’s blood on the floor.
“Help him.” I pleaded.
“Meg.” I looked down. Jack’s eyes were open.
Relief washed over me. He was alive. “Jack!” I threw myself on his chest and tried to hug him, wincing as I landed on my left wrist.
Jack groaned. He gritted his teeth and grimaced when he inhaled. “Say it again.”
“What?” I’d tell him anything if it’d make him better.
“Tell me you love me.” He grinned.
“I love you.” I hugged him as I whispered the words into his neck between sobs and sniffles.
“I love you too.”
“Megan honey, let AJ help you up so I can help Jack.” John put a hand on my shoulder.
When I looked up, I noticed Jamie and Doug standing behind John. I was so worried about Jack I hadn’t seen or heard them come in. I felt a fresh wave of panic when I looked at the blood under Jack’s arm.He got shot! Wait, shouldn’t there be more blood?I turned to check Jack’s chest.
“You get shot.” I was certain I'd seen him get hit in the chest. I put my hand on Jack’s ribs. He moaned. “How are you alive?”
Jack tapped on his armor, making himself moan again. “Armor. Remember?” He pointed to the place my hand had been. I could see metal through the hole in his shirt.
“Megan honey. We need to get out you of here. The paramedics are on their way. You and Jack both need help.” He repeated, “Let AJ help you up. Please.”
I glanced at AJ. He was bleeding from scratches on his face.How’d he get scratches? I looked back at Jack.
“It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere without you. I promise. Let AJ help you.”