“What the fuck did you do to her?” If looks could kill, they’d be dead. “Who broke her arm?”
“I was an accident. She tried to run away, and I tripped when I grabbed her. We fell.”
Sullivan’s flat voice was scarier than his bark when gave the order, “Break his arm.”
The ruthless brutality of the guy following Sullivan's orders terrified me. The duct tape pulled at my lips when I leaned over and dry heaved.
“Get her some ice and water.” Sullivan ordered one of the new guys. Then to me, “You see what I’m willing to do to protect you,” he caressed my face, “like I always said I would?”
It was a rhetorical question, so it didn’t matter that I couldn’t answer because my mouth was still duct taped.
Sullivan handed me the ice pack and told me to ice my arm, then ripped the duct tape off my mouth.
I bit my cheek to keep from crying out. The pain of the tape being ripped off was minor compared to my fear. All I could think about was how Sullivan planned on getting his revenge against me.
I heard a phone ring, followed by a muffled voice. One of the new guys said, “I’ll tell him.” He put his phone back in his pocket. “Boss, we got company.” Based on his expression, they weren’t expecting anyone.
Sullivan pointed at my father. “Shoot him. I don’t need him anymore.”
The guy I shot strode towards my father, who was shaking his head back and forth, pleading with his eyes. Sullivan’s man didn’t care. He shot my father in the temple. No hesitation. No guilt.
I closed my eyes in time to avoid seeing his blood splatter on the wall. The warm metallic smell of blood assaulted my nose, causing my stomach to heave, but there was nothing left to vomit.Will he tell one of them to shoot me? Or will my fate be worse?
I opened my eyes when I heard Sullivan say, “He was never good enough for you, Margaret.” His voice disgusted me. How could he be sweet talking to me mere seconds after ordering the execution of my father?
“You two,” he pointed at two of his guys, “help secure the perimeter.”
My whole body trembled. I was alone with Sullivan and his biggest guy.
Sullivan paced back and forth.Should I be worried or relieved that he's nervous?Maybe someone heard the gunshot and came to help. No, the call had come before the gunshot. It didn’t matter, he’d kill anyone who came to-
The crack of multiple gunshots cut off my train of thought.
Sullivan sent the last guy outside to find out what was going on.
More gunshots followed by eery silence. None of Sullivan’s men came back.
Please God, let it be Jack. I’d barely finished the thought before all hell broke loose.
Sullivan yanked me out of the chair and grabbed me around the neck in a choke hold. He held his gun to my head as he moved us away from the table. His fat sweaty arm was cutting off my air. He turned us towards the door, using me as a shield, when it shattered.
Jack and AJ rushed in, guns up. They stopped short when they saw us.
My legs buckled. It might have been from fear or relief, or both. All I knew was the only thing keeping me upright was Sullivan’s arm around my throat.
Sullivan yanked me up by the neck, forcing me to stand on my toes. “Put your guns down or I’ll put a hole in her head.”
Jack and AJ complied slowly as they moved further into the room. Sullivan had to turn, so he could keep using me as a human shield. Our backs were now to the big bay window near the table.
Jack and AJ held their guns down by their sides.
“Look at me, sweetheart, and only me. No matter what. Can you do that?”
I was afraid to answer, and couldn’t nod, so I held eye contact until Sullivan grabbed my chin, forcing me to tilt my head back.
“Sweetheart? How cute.” His voice was laced with venom when he spat out, “You get to watch your lover die too.” He released my chin and wrapped his arm around my neck again.
I could barely see Jack through my tear-filled eyes. Sullivan would kill him too. I prayed.He can have me. Just don’t let him kill Jack, please don’t let him die.