Page 74 of Taken

My head said no, but my mouth said yes. “I’m overwhelmed. I should run away, not get you involved even more. Your mom, everyone at Grannie’s, is at risk because of me. If anything happens, I’ll never forgive myself. I have to leave here but I don’t know where I’m going and now I have to pay your dad because I messed up everything, all because I was stupid and let my guard down.” My breaths were coming too fast, my head started spinning.

“Hey, hey, shhh, just breathe. Take a deep breath. Good. Let it out. Good. Once more.” I followed Jack’s lead through a couple more deep breaths and my heart slowed down to almost normal.


Jack opened his mouth, then changed his mind and nodded instead. I didn’t have the energy to ask what he was going to say.

“My dad has a few questions. I know you’re tired, but do you think you’re up for answering them? It’s okay if you’re not. I can take you home and we can do it another time.”

“No, I’ll answer them. Can I have a few minutes, though?” Better to do it now. I’d lose my courage if I put it off.

“Yeah, of course.”

I scarfed down the granola bar while I waited. The last thing I wanted was for my stomach to grumble while I answered John’s questions. I drank half the fresh bottle of water in one gulp, the cool liquid soothing my throat. I gave myself an internal pep-talk, then told Jack I was ready. He led me to the office John and Jamie shared. It was almost identical to Jack and AJ’s, except it was bigger and had more filing cabinets.

I held my water bottle with a death grip and avoided making eye contact as I sat down.

“Thanks for doing this. I know none of this has been easy, but it’ll help us help you if we have a little more information.”

“Okay.” I nodded. I shifted awkwardly in my seat the entire time, stuttering and pausing more normal, as I struggled to answer their questions openly and honestly.

“Thank you. It’s helpful knowing no one outside the FBI, and now SSI, knows your previous identity. It’ll be harder for Sullivan to connect them, which buys us time.”

“Thank you.” I was getting ready to leave when I remembered to ask, “How do I pay you?”

“We’ll figure it out later.” He waved his hand as if to wipe the idea away. “You’ve got enough to deal with today. Why don’t you let Jack take you home?”

“I have my car. Thanks.” I didn’t think I could handle being alone with Jack yet.

“Alright, goodnight, Megan. And thanks again.”

Jack walked me to my SUV. “Is there a chance, any at all, you’ll give me a second chance?” His voice trembled.

“I don’t know. Part of me wants to say yes, but part of me wants to run away and avoid the risk.” I shrugged. “Besides, I’m moving, so it doesn’t make sense.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Yes, I do. My last day at Grannie’s is Friday and I don’t…” I hesitated. “I don’t think I can stay here. Too many people here know. I feel exposed, embarrassed. I, I need to start over.”

“No one is judging you, I swear. Please. Give me a couple of weeks to show you that you can build your life here.” He paused. When I didn’t answer, he continued. “Ma told me she hasn’t found your replacement yet, so you could stay on at Grannie’s. Stay a little longer, please.” Jack’s voice cracked.

“I don’t know. How do I face your mom everyday knowing I put her in danger? How do I handle seeing her everyday knowing I’m the reason you don’t come in anymore? Do you really think she’d let me stay on after all the trouble I’ve caused?”

“My mom doesn’t know anything, and it’s up to you if you want to tell her. And believe me, she doesn’t blame you for our breakup.” He smiled. “I know she’ll let you stay.” He smiled. “She likes you. All you have to do is ask.”

I thought about what it’d be like to stay in Weatherford, at Grannie’s, if I wasn’t with Jack and I didn’t like it. I couldn’t stay here if things didn’t work out with him. Jack was standing close enough that if I leaned forward, I could rest my head on his chest. I knew if I did, he’d wrap his arms around me and I’d feel safe. To be here with Jack, safe in his arms, was the future I wanted. I saw the hope in his eyes when I met his gaze.

“If Mary says I can delay my notice, then I’ll stay for a couple more weeks. But, you can’t say anything. This has to be her choice.”

Jack’s sigh lifted my hair. He drew an X over his heart. “Cross my heart.”

“And Jack. No more lies or secrets. We have to be honest with each other.” It’d be harder for me than for him. My whole life was a secret.

“I promise.” He smiled. It didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Full disclosure. Ma hasn’t started looking for your replacement. She told me to fix this so she wouldn’t lose you.” Jack raised his hands in surrender when I raised an eyebrow. “Okay, fine. She knows how I feel about you, and she doesn’t want me to lose you. I don’t want to lose you.”

I nodded, not sure what to say. After everything that happened, I couldn’t believe he still wanted an ‘us’. How could he possibly love me knowing everything he now knows?

“Can we meet for lunch tomorrow, after you’re done with work?”