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“Alright, let’s get your blood flowing. Stand up and give yourselves some room.” He paused while we all shuffled into the middle of the room. I stayed in the back near my chair. “Jamie and Jack are going to lead the warm-up while I go over some tips and tricks to maintain your awareness.”

Jack was on my side of the room. I tried to focus on warming up. Instead, I stared as the corded muscles in his arms rippled as he demonstrated the moves. My brain drifted to the sexy hero in the romance novel I was reading, who the author had described using words like “corded muscles”. I never would have used those words if I hadn’t recently read them. It wasn’t like me to think about a guy this way. I usually tried not to think about them at all.

You need to pay attention! I shook my head to clear it and focused on copying his movements as he raised his right arm up and swung it back. My breath caught in my throat when our eyes met.Fuck, he’s watching at me.I saw Jack’s grin a split second before I looked away. It’d be safer to watch Jamie. He was good-looking too, but didn’t interfere with my ability to think clearly the way Jack did.What’s wrong with me?It wasn’t like I’d never seen a hot guy before. And I sure as hell didn’t sit around staring at them like an awkward teenager. Must be the stress of moving, or maybe it’s the influence of the book I’m reading.

I didn’t believe myself.

John had everyone partner up. Most of the students partnered with their friends. The only person I knew was my co-worker Lisa, so I asked her if she wanted to partner up. I was grateful she said yes. We didn’t know each other well, but had worked a few shifts together, so she wasn’t a total stranger.

Over the next ninety minutes, we learned how to strike at noses and ears, and how to poke eyes - which brought a round of squeals and ‘ew gross’ from everyone. Every so often, John would encourage us to yell when we hit the pads, reminding us. “If you can scream, you can breathe.” They walked around the room while we practiced, correcting our forms and answering questions.

“Not bad.” I heard Jack say from behind me.

I turned around and brought my hands up in a defensive position. My reaction was over the top, but I’d been so focused I hadn’t heard him walk up and he’d startled me.

He put his hands up and apologized to me. “Sorry, didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

I put my hands down and laughed to cover my embarrassment. “Sorry.”

“No worries.” He smiled and offered us some advice. “You can add power to your hits if you use your whole body, not only your arm.” He waved Jamie over and asked him to hold the pad. “Here, like this.”

I watched as Jack demonstrated, but still flinched a little when he made contact. THWACK!

“I wasn’t expecting it to be so loud.” I said, wondering if Lisa had flinched too.

Jack stared at me as if he was searching for something. Lisa giggled, followed a few seconds later by the sound of Jamie’s hand hitting the pad.

“That sound is the difference between using your body, instead of only your arm, to throw a strike. Here,” Jamie held up the pad for me, “You try.”

I lined up in front of Jamie. As I was adjusting my feet, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I stiffened. I hated being so jumpy.These guys aren’t a threat.

“Like this.”

I tried not to think about Jack touching me as he moved me into position me so I could get the most power from my strikes. I should only be thinking about one thing - hitting the pad.

After Jack helped Lisa with her stance, he moved on to help another group. Jamie stayed and worked with us a few more minutes.

It frustrated me I startled so easily. I was eager to take my frustrations out on the pad. I hit it with all my strength, and must have done it right this time, because it made a much louder thwack, and my hand stung.

“Good job.” Jamie smiled and turned to Lisa. “Your turn.”

Towards the end of class, John taught us how to break free if our wrists were ever bound with duct tape. We all chuckled when Jack joked about pink being Jamie’s favorite color as he wrapped his brother’s wrists with right pink duct tape. Jamie showed us how to break free. He wasn’t successful the first time, and some of the girls snickered. John took advantage of the situation and explained that it might take more than one try. “The key is to keep trying.”

The three of them went from group to group, loosely wrapping everyone’s wrists and talking them through the process of breaking free.

“Pink or Silver?” Jack asked when it was our turn. Lisa picked pink and before I knew it, she’d broken free and it was my turn. Jack was standing in front of me, moving his hands up and down like he was comparing the weight of the two rolls. Wrinkling my nose at the hideous neon pink roll, I pointed at the silver. I held my breath and thrust my arms out, willing my hands not to tremble as Jack wrapped my wrists in a single layer of duct tape. The image of a short, fat, bald man flashed before my eyes. I almost gagged as the all-to-real memory of alcohol on his breath invaded my senses.

I closed my eyes and reminded myself I was safe. I don’t know how long I stood there like that before two large, warm hands gently wrapped around mine.

“Meg?” Jack asked softly.

I met his eyes and inhaled sharply. The depths of compassion I saw there surprised me. Holding my hands, Jack gently turned me towards the wall, so no one else could see my face.It must look bad, me freaking out like this. I blinked back tears.

“I can unwrap-”

Shaking my head, I barked. “No.”Crap. I hadn’t meant to sound harsh, but I needed to do this. To conquer my fear. I whispered, “Sorry.”

He nodded, “It’s okay. Take a deep breath and let me know when you’re ready.” His voice was confident, reassuring. His eyes were understanding, comforting.