Page 68 of Taken

It still pissed me off he snooped around and uncovered my past. He only did it because he was worried. Which made sense. Anyone coming after me might be a threat to his mom. He couldn’t, wouldn’t, take that risk. And his concern about me having a stalker shouldn’t surprise me, not after hearing what had happened to Jamie’s wife.

I could forgive him for looking up my past. But could I forgive him for lying? I was more angry he didn’t ask me or at least talk to me after he found out, than I was about him involving Jamie and his dad. After all, they all worked together, and they'd worry about Mary too.

Was Jamie right? Was I as guilty as Jack? I never lied, but I kept secrets from him, hid the truth. Jamie asked me if I would’ve told Jack the truth if he asked. Would I lie to keep my secret? Probably, I had before.

I kept a lot from him, especially in the beginning. I didn’t want him to get involved, or feel sorry for me, or think less of me because of what happened. But I was opening up to him, sharing my past on my own terms. I would have told him, eventually.

How long has he known?I thought back to the lesson when he seemed more serious… He’s known for a while, but hasn’t treated me any differently. And now he was respecting my space by not visiting Grannie’s or calling me.

My phone buzzed.

Happy Thanksgiving

I stared at my phone. My thumb hovered over the send button after I typed my reply. Did I want to open this door? I wasn’t sure, but I hit send anyway.

You too

Those two words didn’t commit me to anything. I stared at my phone, waiting to see if he’d reply. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to.

Maybe I should talk to him, let him explain.

Chapter 41


On Friday, there was a box of chocolate with the bouquet of red and white carnations. This note said: Please? ~Jack

On Saturday, there was a small soft brown teddy bear hugging an emerald green crystal vase filled with white roses. His note said: I’ll wait. ~Jack

I left the flowers at Grannie’s but took the cards, chocolate, and teddy bear home with me.

My anger was cooling off with each bouquet, each note I received. It wasn’t the gifts. It was his actions. His patience.

He hadn’t contacted me, except for one text on Thanksgiving. He gave me space and hadn’t visited Grannie’s during my shifts. His notes were simple - no begging, no dramatics. Jack was patiently waiting for me to change my mind. To listen.

I went to the library on Sunday to continue my search. I tried twice before, but couldn’t read through my tear-filled eyes. Anger and pain at Jack’s betrayal made my brain useless. It didn’t help I compared every place I found to Weatherford. I couldn’t help it. I liked it here. Would I feel as welcomed anywhere else?Focus. You have one week to find a new town to call home.

After I got home, I did my laundry and started packing. Sadly, it didn’t eat up a lot of time. I hadn't unpacked half my boxes, because the motel was a temporary solution.

I picked up the notes from Jack and placed them on the counter beside the small, smiling teddy bear. The notes were crinkled from being scrunched up in my pocket so I smoothed them out and lined them up in order.

Can we talk? ~Jack

Please. ~Jack

I’ll wait. ~Jack

Jack was usually talkative, charming, expressive. The notes he sent with the flowers were none of those things. Yet they made an impact. Maybe because they were simple. He wasn’t trying to convince me of anything. Well, except to talk to him. He could have sent one bouquet, begging and pleading, and then dropped it.

But he didn’t. Instead, he reminded me he was thinking about me while respecting my space.

Damn it.I need to stay mad. Leaving would be easier if I was mad. But I wasn’t. Not anymore. I had a lot of time to think about everything that happened.

And the more I thought about, the more I realized Jack wasn’t the only guilty one.

I didn’t know when I changed my mind, but I had. I was ready to talk to him.

Could I forgive him? I wasn’t sure. I’d decide after we talked. If I left without talking to him, I’d regret it.