The bell above the door chimed, bringing me back to reality. I jerked my hands away when I saw John. “I have to get back to work.”
John greeted AJ and Doug before turning his attention to Jack. “Shouldn’t you be on the road, Jack?”
“Yes, sir, just grabbing a coffee for the drive.”
John turned his attention to me. “Good morning Megan.” He was the only person who called me by my full name, and I hated it. It always felt like he was judging me and finding me unworthy.I have enough doubts of my own, sir. I don’t need you making me feel worse.
“Hello Mr. Sheppard.” I tried to sound calm, but my voice squeaked like a mouse. I stared at the floor as I hurried back behind the bar. He wasn’t as intimated with the counter between us.
Mary came around the corner. “Don’t scare my barista, John.” She playfully swatted him on the arm.
"Yes ma'am." John pretended to rub away the pain, but was smiling the entire time.
“Hi ma.” Jack walked over and hugged her.
“You clean up nice Jack.” She straightened his tie for him. “I make handsome children, don’t I?” Her face glowed with pride, and Jack blushed. For a second, I could imagine Jack as a kid, being embarrassed by his mom.
“From the looks of it, I’d say John had a lot to do with that one,” Beth answered, laughing as she looked from John to Jack.
Jack was a younger, taller, friendlier version of his dad.So that’s what Jack will look like in twenty-five years? Not bad. I listened to them as I poured their coffees, wishing I could feel as comfortable around Mr. Sheppard as Beth did. I didn’t expect us to be friends, but I wished he’d stop looking at me like he wanted me to disappear.
His features softened when he smiled at Beth. “Thanks for the credit. Mary likes to forget I had a part in making our children.” He put his arm around Mary and kissed her temple. The love in her eyes as she looked at him could have lit up the café.
Jack walked up to the counter and handed me his credit card.
“On the house today Meg.” Mary called over, “Can you pour one for John?”
“Of course.”
Jack grabbed the coffees. “He’s not as scary as he seems. I promise.” I didn’t believe him, but nodded anyway.
He put the coffees down and placed his warm hand over mine. “He’s a good guy. You’ll see.” He stood up to his full height when John cleared his throat. “I gotta run. I’ll call you later, okay?”
He handed out the coffees before leaning down and giving his mom a peck on the cheek. “Thanks for the coffee, ma.”
“You’re welcome. Be safe.”
After everyone left, Beth asked, “I take it your second date went well?”
“It went okay.” I wished I could talk to her, but I didn’t want to explain why our date ended badly. I was also worried about over-sharing, it’d be weird talking to her about dating her best friend’s son, if we were still dating. I already regretted letting everyone see how much I liked Jack. I didn’t want them asking questions and making it even more awkward for me.
“How’s Chase doing?” Changing the subject to Chase when I didn’t know what to say usually worked. Beth’s expression told me she’d let it go, for now. “He’s doing great. He’s decided he wants to play t-ball in the spring. I think it’ll be fun for him.”
“I can’t wait to see him play.” I didn't have to fake interest, Chase was a great kid.
“And I’m sure he’ll love having you there.” She paused, “You could bring Jack too. Chase looks up to him.”
“Maybe.” I smiled.
Chapter 33
Iwas standing near her door waiting. I convinced myself I could stay professional during our range date.Is it a date?I wasn’t so sure.I’d been getting mixed signals. One minute she’d be warm and trusting, the next she’d shut me out. And she pulled away every time I tried to kiss her. I couldn’t tell if she wanted me to ask her out again, or just be her friend. My plan was to keep it professional today, to be her friend, until she made it obvious she wanted more.I can do this.
“Let me grab my range bag.” Meg laughed as she slung it over her shoulder. “I sound so fancy, ‘my range bag’, like I know what I’m doing.”