AJ stuck around after we relieved him. “Dude, you gonna ask out that Meg chick, cause if you don’t, I think I will.”
I squared my shoulders as I turned to challenge him. I practically growled, “Watch it, Janerek.”
AJ flung his hands up in mock surrender. “Damn Sheppard. Relax, I was just giving you shit.” I was as surprised by my reaction as he was. I knew he was giving me shit. It’s what we do. But I totally lost it. Over a joke.
I relaxed my shoulders. “Sorry man, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”
Jamie coughed ‘bullshit’ behind me. I turned and glared at him.
“I might not have my fancy PI license yet, but I have eyes Sheppard, and it’s obvious you like her. A lot. So man up and ask her out.” AJ's advice was the opposite of Jamie's, and in direct opposition to my father’s orders. Because AJ was a friend, not a parent or business partner, and he didn’t know how serious the situation was.
AJ took a pull from his beer and tilted his head in Meg’s direction. “Before someone else does.”
A man I’d never met was flirting with Meg.Mine.Neither AJ nor Jamie said anything while I attempted to burn a hole in the back of his head with my eyes. After a second, I took a deep breath and counted to ten. I had no right to claim Meg. Or be jealous because some asshole was hitting on her. I had literally just decided to take things slow.
“Listen, I know you don’t want a repeat of what happened with Ana.” AJ misunderstood my hesitation. AJ knew less about Meg’s situation than I did, so I couldn’t tell him why I was holding back. “But I’m telling you, Meg’s nothing like her. And she’s into you. I can see it, hell anyone with eyes can see it.” He gestured to Jamie and then the crowd. He grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me to get my full attention. “Ana used you from the beginning, but Meg has never asked you for anything. And Ana never, not once, looked at you the way Meg does.”
AJ was right, Meg wasn’t manipulative like Ana. She hadn’t shared a lot, but she hadn’t lied to me either. At least, not that I knew of. She had a good heart, a sweet laugh, and I didn’t think she had a malicious bone in her body.
I nodded slowly. I chugged what the rest of my beer and leaned against the back counter to watch Meg. My shoulders relaxed when the guy hitting on her walked away. Meg giggled, sharing a joke with Beth. When she looked up and caught my eye, she flashed me one of those rare bright, shining smiles that reached her eyes. It was like an arrow struck me smack dab in the middle of my heart.
I tilted my head, touching my beer to the rim of my hat, and smiled. I was a picture perfect example of calm, cool, and collected.
I’m totally and completely fucked.
AJ patted me on the shoulder. “I have a feeling she’ll be worth the risk.” Dad saved me from having to answer by waving AJ over. He was taking advantage of the party to introduce AJ and Doug to friends from the local and county police departments. It never hurt to have friends with badges.
After the party ended, mom hugged Meg and thanked her for helping. When Meg asked if she should stay and help clean up, ma told her not to worry about it, “Go home and get some rest. The guys can handle it.”
Yup, we were pack mules alright. We didn’t mind. We got paid in coffee, the best coffee in Texas.
Meg looked tired, but happy, as she walked towards the door. Her bag slung over her shoulder, her work clothes hanging out. I took a minute to appreciate how cute she looked with her skirt swishing around her knees as she walked.
“Meg, wait, I’ll walk you to your car.” I called out as I jogged towards her. Just because I wasn’t sure what my next move would be, didn’t mean I couldn’t be a gentleman.
“Thanks Jack, but I’m across the street.” She pointed to the lot where she had parked. “I’ll be fine.”
“True, but ma’d kill me if I didn’t make sure you got to your car safely. You don’t want to be responsible for my death, do you?” I was laying it on pretty thick, but it made her laugh, and the sound was music to my ears.
“Okay, fine, but only because I don’t want you to die.” She laughed as she answered. “Though I find it hard to believe your mom is half as violent as you make her out to be.”
She didn’t think I was serious, but she’d never seen my mom go all drill sergeant crazy on us.
I opened the door and placed a hand on the small of her back. Her skin felt warm under her shirt as I led her out. I probably should have removed my hand once we were outside, but I didn’t. She stiffened, but she didn’t pull away. After a second, her back muscles relaxed under my hand. I didn’t bother hiding my goofy grin as I walked her across the street.
When we reached her car, I reached over her shoulder and put a hand on her door to stop her from opening it. When she turned towards me, fear flashed in her eyes.
“What?” she asked.
It broke my heart to see how skittish she was. It also made me go all primal with the need to beat the men who’d hurt her into bloody pulps.
I gave her a big grin, hoping to put her at ease. Her shy smile was all it took for my heart to overrule my brain. I did what I knew I shouldn’t. “So, when are you going to let me take you out on a proper date?”
Her jaw fell open. Time stood still as stood there holding my breath, waiting for her to answer me.
“A date?”
“Yes. A date. We get dressed up, I pick you up, take you to a nice dinner, we share a bottle of wine. A date.” I hadn’t intended to ask her out, but since I had, I was going all in. “And maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get a kiss goodnight.”