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I laughed as I dragged the seven remaining samples towards me with my arms. “Oh, I think I’ll be fine.”

I picked up a random glass and tilted my head towards the one in front of her. I waited for her to pick it up.

“To a job well done.” I touched my glass to hers, then tapped it lightly on the table before tilting it back.

“Thanks.” Meg said before taking a sip. She sniffed the beer. “It smells like pumpkin pie. Who would’ve thought a beer could taste like dessert?” She looked at the beer flights in front of me. “Do you want to order a real beer?”

“I’m good. These may be small, but they’re real.” I said, as I finished another sample. “Add them all together and I have a full beer. Though I wouldn’t recommend mixing them together in one glass.” I shivered in exaggerated disgust.

She laughed and drank some water before picking up her beer again. Relief washed over me as she relaxed a little more. Our conversation flowed effortlessly until I asked her if she was practicing the self-defense stuff she’d learned in class. I knew from experience few did. They didn’t think they’d ever need it, but Meg knew she might.

“Sort of. I don’t have pads or a partner, so I practice the movements.”

“It’s more than most people do." I held my hand out for a fist-bump and smiled when her small fist touched mine. "Now that you’ve found a gun you like, do you think you’ll buy yourself a SIG?"

She started fidgeting. I had tried to keep it casual, but ended up sounding more intense than I had intended.

“I don’t think I’m ready yet.” She wouldn’t meet my eyes, so I dropped the subject.

We made small talk while I finished the rest of my samples. I wasn't ready for our evening to end, but she’d closed herself off again.I need a better tactic if I'm going to get her to open up to me.

I walked her to her rusty, beat up SUV.I hope it runs better than it looks. The idea of her car being unreliable made me nervous.

I stalled to buy a few more minutes. “Oh hey, I almost forgot to ask. Are you going to the Wyatt Foundation fundraiser dance next weekend?” Even though I already knew the answer. Ma expected everyone from Grannie’s to volunteer, even if only for a couple of hours.

“Yeah, Mary,” she corrected herself, “Your mom asked me to work the raffle table with Beth. I think it’ll be fun.”

“So you’ll be wearing a cute cowgirl costume?” Ma ordered cowgirl costumes for everyone at Grannie’s and had insisted dad and everyone at SSI wear matching cowboy costumes. My dick jumped at the thought of her in cowboy boots and a short skirt.I wonder if she’ll braid her hair?

“I will. Your mom said you guys are dressing up too.”

“We are.” I rolled my eyes, then laughed. I didn’t really mind. Ma hosted the fundraiser near Halloween each year. She loved holiday and the festive atmosphere put people in a giving mood.

“I guess I’ll see you at the fundraiser.”

“Yup, unless I need a caffeine fix.”

She smiled and opened her door. “Thanks Jack.”

I watched Meg pull away, thinking about how the day had gone. I was happy to hear she was practicing moves from the class, and her shooting skills were improving with each lesson. I almost corrected myself out of habit, but who was I kidding? They were definitely lessons. Meg relaxed more each time we hung out, and I was loving it.

I would do my best to keep my relationship with her professional, but wasn’t sure how successful I would be. Because every time I saw her eyes sparkle when she smiled or laughed, my heart did a little dance.

Chapter 17


Ithought about asking Jack why he seemed so serious when we said goodbye, but I chickened out. I was afraid of upsetting him. When I asked him earlier, he shrugged it off and said it was because of the attack. I guess I could understand that, but something felt different.

I was probably overreacting.I’m sure he’ll be back to normal next time.

The next day at work, Beth asked me how my range date with Jack went.

“I had fun. Jack said I’m getting better.” I didn’t want to sound arrogant, so I added, “I don’t think I’m very good. And it’s not a date,” I corrected her, “he’s teaching me how to shoot.”

“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.” Beth chuckled.

Damn it. I was afraid this would happen. If Beth thinks I have a thing for Jack, then Mary probably does, too. I didn’t want things to get weird at work because people were gossiping about me and Jack. He wasn’t interested in me, so even if I wanted something to happen, it wouldn’t. Jack wouldn’t want to be with someone like me. I have too much baggage, too many secrets.