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Meg joined us after she clocked out. We made small talk while we sipped coffees. AJ and I talked about our time serving together and AJ joining Sheppard & Sons. Meg talked about her job at Grannie’s and learning how to shoot, but quickly changed the subject any time we asked about anything else. After about thirty minutes, AJ raised his eyebrows. I nodded to answer his unspoken question, yes I wanted time alone with Meg.

AJ excused himself. “Duty calls. It was nice getting to know you, Meg. If you need anything,” He handed her a business card, “Call me. Later Sheppard.”

“Thanks AJ.” She put his business card in her purse. I didn’t think she’d use AJ’s number, but I was glad she had it. Just in case.

“Where are you going for work?” Meg asked.

“Austin. I’ll be doing personal security for a rich girl.” I couldn’t share much else.

“Is that the same thing as a bodyguard?”

“It is, but some clients don’t like the term.” I shrugged.

We talked for a few more minutes before Meg said, “I should go.”

As I walked Meg to her car, I reminded her. “I’ll be back in plenty of time for our range date on Sunday.”

“Not a date.” Humor danced in her eyes. I loved we shared a running joke. “Bye Jack. Good Luck. Wait, is that something you say to someone whose job is dangerous, or is it bad luck like saying MacBeth in a theatre?”

“No, it’s not bad luck.” I said around a barely contained laugh. She could be so cute when she got nervous. “Be safe is what my mom always says.” It was sweet. Her wanting to wish me luck, I wanted to believe it was because she liked me. “Luck isn’t much of a factor in my job.”

“Oh, okay. Be Safe. I’ll see you Sunday.” Meg opened her door and climbed in, then paused. “Hey, what’s your favorite cookie?”

“Peanut butter chocolate chip, why?”

“I’m going to bake you some. It’s my way of saying thanks.” She grinned. “For the lessons.”

“Not a lesson, but since no sane man would turn down homemade cookies, I accept.” I patted my belly.

“Good.” She got in her SUV, closed her door and waved goodbye.

My phone buzzed, alerting me to a text from AJ.

I see what you mean. She really doesn’t like to talk about herself.

Glad I’m not the only one who sees it.

I’ll keep an eye on her while you’re gone.

Thanks brother, appreciate it.

Chapter 11


After talking to Jack and AJ, I grabbed a late lunch before driving to the Fort Worth Public Library. I’d put off checking my old email account too long.

I used the public library computers for the same reason I turned off location services on my phone and paid cash for my motel - I wanted to be hard to find. I wasn’t stupid, if someone tried hard enough, they could find me. But I wouldn't make it easy. I logged into my email account. There were seven new messages. My breath moved a few stray strands of hair as I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. There were no new messages from the FBI, or Special Agent Jones, the agent who had handled my name change and initial relocation, which meant Sullivan was still in Boston. Agent Jones made sure I got to the women's shelter in Indiana safely, made sure I had everything I needed, and checked up on me regularly that first year. Now we only talked a few times a year.

The feeling of relief faded as I opened the most recent email from my mother, dated three days ago:

margaret, why won’t you answer my emails. i miss you. dads home now. he misses you too wants you to know he forgives you. call us. we can be a family again

I stared at the screen, too stunned to blink. My brain tried to process everything I’d read in her poorly written email and failed. It was too much.

I took a few deep breaths and reread the email. One part caught my attention: “he forgives you.”He forgives me? He, Forgives Me! What the fuck? He raped me, and then sold me to Sullivan to pay off his gambling debts! HE DOESN’T GET TO FORGIVE ME!I sat there, shaking, nostrils flaring, fists clenched tight enough for my nails to draw blood.

I needed to calm down before I drew attention to myself.