Page 21 of Taken

“Not yet. I’m going to talk to him when he gets back.” I didn’t plan on telling him anything other than I thought she might have a stalker. My personal protection job started early Wednesday morning, so I was leaving Tuesday night and coming home Saturday afternoon. I didn’t think she’d call me, even if she needed help, so I wanted AJ to keep an eye on her. I’d be back in plenty of time for our range date, and if I was lucky, she’d be more relaxed, and maybe open up a little more.

Dad finally addressed the elephant in the room. “You need to keep it professional, so hold off on asking her out.”

I nodded. He was right, even if I didn’t like it.

I stopped by Grannie’s on Tuesday, timing it so I’d be there at the end of Meg’s shift. I wanted to see her before leaving. It was strictly business, not because I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I’d spent the last few days convincing myself my infatuation with Meg was nothing more than professional curiosity. I’d always been inquisitive and I couldn’t stop thinking about the riddle that was Megan Hayes.

I reached for the door and stopped dead in my tracks. My jeans felt a little tighter as my body reacted to seeing her swing her hips in time to the music as she wiped down tables. She was oblivious to the fact I was standing outside, mesmerized. I took a moment to adjust myself, and to remind myself to keep it professional.

Meg turned when she heard the bells alerting her to an arriving customer. Her smile lit up her face when she saw me. “Hi Jack.”

Her smile was gorgeous, genuine, and it reached her eyes. It stole my breath away. This was the greeting I’d hoped for the first I came to see her and it was the only one I ever wanted to get. I gave her a big grin to buy some time while I sucked air into my lungs. My heart was pounding against my ribcage. All because she seemed genuinely happy to see me. She wasn’t making it easy to stay professional.

“Don’t stop on my account.” I would have been happy to watch her all day. I told my dad I’d keep my distance. Be professional. I’d meant it when I’d said it, but the way my body and heart reacted to her made me think it might not be possible. It was probably a good thing I had to leave for a few days. Give me time and distance so I could get my head on straight.

“Ha, give me a sec. I’ll get your coffee.”

“I need two, but no rush.” I said as I watched Meg walk behind the counter and poured my coffees. When she handed me the steaming cups, I blurted out, “I like your hair like that.” Fuck. I sounded like an idiot, and I was supposed to be keeping my distance. Double fail on my part.

Meg paused, holding my steaming coffees halfway between us. I held my breath while I waited for her to say something.

She raised her left eyebrow. “Thanks.” Her hair was in a ponytail, like it had been every time I’d seen her, so she probably thought I’d lost my mind.

I had to recover. “FYI, I’m going out of town for work this week, but I’ll be back in plenty of time for our range date.”

“Not a date.” Her tone was flat, but her eyes were smiling.

I knew she’d say that, but before I could say anything else I heard the bell ring and turned to see AJ walking in. I’d asked him to meet me here so I could introduce them. I was fairly sure they’d met unofficially since it was his job, as the new guy, to pick up coffee for the office. But I wanted them to get to know each other.

“Hey AJ.”

“Sheppard.” He nodded towards the cups. “One of those for me?”

I handed him one. “AJ, have you and Meg been properly introduced?”

“Yeah, Mary introduced us on one of the many coffee runs you guys sent me on. Hey Meg, how’s it going?”

“Good. You?”

“Living the dream.” He raised his to-go cup.

“Grab us a table. I’ll be there in a sec.”

“Sure thing.” He said over his shoulder as he walked away.

I turned when I heard the door open and lifted my coffee in greeting. “Hey Lisa. How’s it going?”

“Heya Jack. Good. You?” she answered as she headed to the back.

“Good.” Before I joined AJ, I asked Meg. “Want to join us for a coffee? You can tell AJ what a great instructor I am.”That sounded way better in my head.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to interrupt your plans.”

“No plans, just having coffee.”

“Okay, if you don’t think AJ will mind.”

“He won’t.” I answered confidently, knowing it was the reason he was here.