Vasic bent down to pick up a pinecone, rising with it in his hand. “Set it up.”

It was exactly what Zaira had said when he’d mentioned the topic a while back, but Aden wasn’t ready to change his focus from the squad to the world. But even as he thought that, part of him knew that if the squad was to become an integrated piece of the fabric of the world, it couldn’t remain separate.

•   •   •

POLITICS reared its head two hours later, Nikita Duncan adamant that the members of the Ruling Coalition have a very public meeting. She’d discharged herself from the hospital against medical advice because it was her belief that people—and not just Psy alone—needed to see them alive and well and handling their responsibilities. It would put paid to the surge of rumors that called the Coalition’s unity and strength into question and nip any others in the bud.

Rather than making a formal appearance, Nikita had suggested they do a walk-through of one of the New York neighborhoods that had suffered the worst casualties when the infection in the Net went viral. She was certain that she could maintain the facade of health for that long.

“You’ll be asking us to kiss babies next.”

Aden agreed with Krychek’s cool comment. “Such a walk-through will appear false when it comes to those of us who aren’t politicians,” he pointed out. “Better if we advise the residents we’re coming in and will be available to answer questions in a central location.”

Krychek’s eyes met his, the two of them standing side by side in the valley because Krychek had come to help teleport in materials for more homes. “Are you actually planning to allow the populace to question you?”

“No. And neither should you.” The Ruling Coalition didn’t need to become a regular political body, not yet. The PsyNet was too fragile at present; people needed to believe that its leadership was unassailable. “Our simple presence will be enough.” A sign of the power that backed the Coalition. “Ivy, Nikita, and Anthony are seen as more approachable—Ivy, in particular—and can be the ones who speak, unless they have objections.”

“Yes, fine, but your option leaves us wide open to threats,” Nikita said via the mobile comm in Aden’s hand, her face thinner than it should be and dark shadows under her eyes.

“Hiding allows the enemy to win.” Anthony Kyriakus’s tone was resolute, and though he was disagreeing with Nikita, he was also currently standing right by her chair, in what appeared to be a study in her private apartments. “We must show our enemies—and our people—that we aren’t afraid and can’t be intimidated.”

“I agree with Anthony,” Ivy said from one side of the split screen. “My Es tell me people are edgy, scared. I can feel it, too.” She rubbed a fist over her heart. “Seeing us all out in force, unafraid, will go a long way toward easing the fears fostered by the spate of rumors and speculation.”

Kaleb glanced at Aden, the sunlight making the white sparks in his cardinal eyes appear golden. “Can you set up security measures? This could be our chance to catch the people targeting members of the Coalition.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Aden had already discussed such a move with the cardinal Tk and knew Krychek was right; this would be the perfect opportunity to put it in play. “If you second a small squad of your people to me, I can make sure our security strategy is fully integrated.”


Rumors continue to swirl in the Net about the efficacy of the Ruling Coalition. Nikita Duncan is no longer in the hospital, but she has not been seen in public since the shooting.

Aden Kai, too, has disappeared from public view, perhaps as a result of questions about his capabilities—or lack of them—to lead the squad. However, it is possible that he is simply involved in covert work, as per the Arrow mandate. Regardless of his location, he must understand that the squad is under fire and he has to respond.

The Beacon has contacted the squad and is currently awaiting their answer.


Quite frankly, I’d lose respect for the squad if they did make a public statement. Even so, it’s worrying to realize that the people we rely on to protect us might be just as weak as any other man or woman in the street.



Are we sure Nikita Duncan is even still alive?

H. Dwyer


Kaleb Krychek should simply take over and execute anyone who doesn’t want to follow the rules.

C. Tsang


It feels as if we’re going backward instead of forward. With the fall of Silence came hope for a better world, but now chaos lives on the doorstep.

V. T. Jose


Chapter 71

LESS THAN TWO hours after the meeting with the other members of the Ruling Coalition, and well before the planned announcement of the Coalition’s availability to the public, Aden and Zaira went into the proposed neighborhood. It was just past five in New York, the sunlight warm. Sixty minutes after their arrival and initial reconnaissance, they mapped out the security strategy from their concealed position on a rooftop.

“Any security will have to be subtle,” he said to Zaira. “The whole point of this exercise is to calm the populace, not put them on edge.”

“We should check out the parameters of the park the Coalition intends to use, see if there are any areas we need to sweep for hidden devices beforehand.” A pause. “It would be much safer if the meeting was indoors.”

“And much less effective.”