“It’s her power.”
“And look what came of it. Of her.” Ivar cast a pointed look at Talisa’s head.
Braque narrowed those consuming dark eyes at Elowyn. “That shouldn’t have happened. She did it. She ruined everything my queen had planned.”
Ivar stilled like a predator not wanting to alert his prey that he’d sighted it. “Talisa always shared her plans with you, didn’t she?”
Braque preened, revealing that much of his personality remained. “She did. Of course she did. She trusted me above all others.” He sneered smugly. “Certainly above you.”
“So you knew everything she did?”
“Of course. She confided in me always. I was a part of everything she ever did.”
“I’m gonna kill him,” El rumbled with sudden and surprising ferocity.
I glanced down at her.
“He was there when she hurt you. When she took from you what you never should’ve had to give.”
I smiled with a sorrowful regret I felt deep in my bones.
“I’ll make him suffer as you did,” El growled, and each of my brothers were quick to agree once El had pointed out what exactly he’d been complicit in, what he’d stood by and let happen. What he’d probably even encouraged.
“El should fucking kill him now,” Ryder said loudly enough that a few others took up the call.
“The dragon queen should kill Braque like she did the dark queen!”
At that, Braque crouched and turned on them, scanning the crowd of beasts, creatures, and people. From the mirrors that remained intact, monsters with an appearance of molten metal watched attentively.
“I am your new king,” Braque said. “Relent now or I will kill you all.” He glanced back at El. “But I’ll kill her firssst,” he hissed. “She’s earned my full attention.”
I moved fully in front of my mate while a dragon Xeno stomped closer, Hiro, Ry, West, Roan, and Reed flanking us.
“Over my dead body,” I snarled.
Braque smiled and giggled that stupidly irritating trill he’d loved unleashing in Talisa’s presence. “Of course, my drake. As you wish.”
Braque opened his mouth wide. Shadows peeked out, nipping at the air around his teeth.
“Wait,” Ivar called.
Braque glanced his way.
“Did you know that Talisa poisoned my sister Lisbeth until we believed she was going to die and that you and your potions were her only chance at survival?”
Braque didn’t respond.
“Did you know that Lisbeth survived when Talisa told me you hadn’t been able to save her? That Talisa feigned her death and instead imprisoned my sister all these years, draining her of her power?”
Braque’s black eyes glittered some more.
“Well?” Ivar barked aggressively enough to cause a couple of the goblins to jump. “Did you or did you not?”
Braque opened his mouth, only this time neither shadow nor sound emerged.
“You just finished boasting how the queen shared everything with you,” Ivar pressed. “How you were her most trusted confidante. Did she tell you about Lisbeth or was that the one and only secret she kept to herself?”
Braque still hesitated.