The cheers die down, and Tomas sobers. “But I’d like you to prove yourselves with one final task.”

I draw in a breath and hold his gaze.

“You’ve brought the virgins here. You’ve paid the price. And I suspect you both would like to keep those women as your own. Am I correct?”

I can’t breathe, like someone’s wrapped a band around my chest and pulled.

“Absolutely,” I manage to choke out, trying to act as if this is just a casual conversation and my entire life doesn’t hang in the balance.

Yakov’s grown still. “Without a doubt.”

Tomas nods benevolently. “And I’d like to be able to grant that to you.” His gaze softens for a moment. “Some of our most powerful leaders were joined with women who supported them. And I believe you have the power to benefit our brotherhood tremendously.”

Khristos, yes.

I nod, swallowing hard. He hasn’t stated his final demand yet.

“Earn them,” he says, his voice hard, his eyes flinty. “You two will interrogate the man you captured today. Find out who he is and why we attacked. Get answers from him, and you can keep the women you brought as your own.”

Yakov nods and gets to his feet, already ready. “Understood.”

I rise more slowly. I’ve interrogated men before. Some will cave and some will let you kill them before they speak a word. It isn’t a fair contingency.

“And if we don’t?” I ask him.

Tomas shrugs. “Then the women will be ours to share and I’ll have to give you another task.”

I’m grateful I’m not doing this alone. Yakov is fierce but human. Such a task with a ruthless killer might go easier, but at what cost? I get to my feet with Yakov. The man behind Tomas is gone. I face Tomas.

“Where is he?”Chapter 19Marissa

It is late into the wee hours of the morning before I hear someone at my door. I’ve almost given up home that Nicolai will come to me tonight, and I think I may have dozed off. I don’t know what time it is, but the entire compound is silent. I sit up. Every time someone comes in, I hope it’s Nicolai.

Earlier, it was a servant or something, bearing a tray of food. The food was delicious, and served with a large glass of white wine. I ate everything eagerly and drank every drop of wine. An hour later, someone came to clear the tray, and shortly after that, a doctor came to pay me a visit. Finally, around ten o’clock, the visitors died down. I’ve been waiting for Nicolai ever since.

I know it’s him before I see him. My heartbeat quickens, and something in me springs to life. He’s here. My throat tightens.

He’s here.

The door opens then closes again, and footsteps approach.

“Zvezda moya. Are you awake?” Though he keeps his voice down, the deep resonance vibrates through the room.

“I am.” I reach out to him without even realizing I am.

After shutting the door behind him, he walks to me in three swift steps, sits on the edge of the bed, and draws me to his chest as if he’s drowning and I’m his life preserver. He holds me so tightly it hurts.

Something is wrong.

I reach a hand to his cheek. “Are you okay?” I whisper. “You’re trembling.”

He laughs, but it’s mirthless. “I’m not,” he says. “Men don’t tremble.”

But it’s a lie. He is, and he does, the gentlest betrayal of fear or something else that makes him shake. I come up on my knees and wrap my arms around him. Though he’s so much bigger than I am, I am the one holding him tonight.

I don’t ask any more questions right now. He will tell me if he wants to, and I can’t force that. I don’t want to. Just being here with him is enough. A few minutes pass while the two of us just hold one another, not speaking or moving until he breaks the silence.

“We don’t have to hide anymore,” he says. “Not from the brotherhood, anyway.”

I pull away and look into his deep blue eyes. “What?”

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s sad. “Yes, zvezda moya. The pakhan gave me leave to come to you, and he’s told the others that you belong to me.”

My heart sings. I can hardly believe our change of fortune. I give a little squeal of delight, but when he doesn’t share my elation, I deflate a little.

“Nicolai…” my voice trails off. I press my hand to his chest, absorbing his heartbeat. “What is it? Tell me.”

I don’t need to say any more than that. He knows what I’m referring to.

He draws in a deep breath, his chest expanding before he lets it out slowly.

“I shouldn’t tell you this,” he begins. I say nothing, I know that this is only a prelude. He will tell me, even if he isn’t supposed to. I need to respect the space he needs to tell me. In the next breath, his voice both drops and hardens to a husky growl.