"All I know about Boston is the tea party thing," I tell him. "What else is there?"

He gives me a short look, his lips tight. "There's another branch of the Bratva there that could help."

"Are you guys everywhere?"

"Just about."

We drive for a little while longer, and talk easily to one another. He tells me about his home in Russia. I've never seen him look like this, when he speaks of Russia. His eyes are bright and vivid with memory, the one hand that doesn't hold the steering wheel animated as he tells me stories. Though his father, the pakhan of our American outfit, lives in America now, he grew up in Russia. Nicolai served in the Russian special forces after high school.

"I've known you for years and never knew you were in the military," I tell him.

He smiles. "There are many things you don't know about me." He isn't accusatory, though, but a little sad.

It's hard to get to know someone who's tight-lipped and nearly silent most of the time. But now that he's opening up to me... if we survive this, I will do everything in my power to be sure to learn everything I can about him.

We drive for hours and hours, until the sun sets and my stomach rumbles with hunger again. We talk easily, as if this is normal and right. He asks me about the books I read, the music I listen to, what I want to study at college. I don't feel like I need to censor myself at all. He listens eagerly, about college and books and friends and plans, about where I want to travel and what I want to see.

"And I want that for you, too," he says at one point, squeezing my hand. I squeeze him gently back.

"We'll get out of this," I tell him. "Then maybe we can travel together."

"Let's do that," he agrees softly. "Though I don't much care about traveling."

"No? Don't you want to see things? Visit the wonders of the world? Taste the food of the tropics, or dip your toes in another ocean?"

He shakes his head. "I've already traveled more than I ever wanted to." He doesn't offer much more than that, and I wonder what it is he's seen and experienced. "The comforts of home are what I want, more than the adventure of other countries. But I understand. When you're young, the appeal of foreign lands holds an appeal like nothing else."

I snort out loud. "You say I'm young, as if you're an old man."

He smiles sadly but doesn't reply at first, and then he shakes his head. "Let's focus on what we need to do right now before we plan where we travel to."

I sober. It's a quiet reminder of the danger we're in, one that I don't miss. But soon, he flicks on his turn signal to get off the highway and follows signs for a swanky hotel.

"Well this is a step up from last night." I tell him. "We get to stay here?"

"Just for tonight. Tomorrow, we go to Boston. A place like this offers better security, and privacy can be bought."

He's thought this through.

Walking in here without bags is a little different than the last place we stayed, but before we even check in at the desk, he leads me to a gift shop and purchase a pretty little sundress and sandals for me, and a t-shirt and shorts for himself. The dress he picked out for me is a pretty pale pink, one of my favorite colors.

"It's gorgeous," I breathe. "Thank you."

He kisses my forehead in response. Aw, hell, I love that. Taking both bags in one hand, he leads me to the main desk, and commands me to be quiet with one stern look. I nod. This afternoon's car chase wasn't something I'll forget anytime soon. I believe him when he says we're in danger, and I trust him enough to follow his lead.

This is the most danger I've ever been in, and yet my heart feels lighter than I ever remember it feeling before. My heart sings with hope and promise. Nicolai doesn't hate me. He's taken me here to keep me safe. He doesn't hate me.

And I'm legal now.

He has a hushed, brief conversation with the man at the front desk, who nods soberly. "Yes, sir. Of course, sir." Nicolai reaches for my hand and leads me down a private hall to a large elevator. After pushing the button, he waits in silence beside me. Brooding. Alert. Ever watchful. Will he ever truly rest?

We arrive on our floor and my heartbeat accelerates. We've flirted with what me being legal means, now, and I know what happened last night. How he punished me. And how that made me feel, to be dominated by him. I'm so in my head, I'm not even looking around us when we arrive. Of course, he's doing his usual scan of the place.