There was no way to prolong things now.Not with the taste of him on my mouth and the tight ring of his asssliding back and forth on my shaft. I pumped into him harder andlet go with a low grunt, driving deep and staying there until mycock finished twitching and pulsing.

I raised my head and gavehim a slanted smile. “Well, congratulations. You’ve been with a mannow.”

He laughed and ran a handover his stubbly short hair. “You might have ruined me for otherguys, though.”

That was exactly what I liked tohear.



Before I left the castle, I checked inwith security.

“Is she still here?” Iasked, slipping through the “staff only” door in thelobby.

The woman at the desklooked up from the video screens she monitored with a bored lookthat became all business at the sight of me. “No, they drove her upto the house, sir.”

I studied the monitors. Allour guests were aware that public areas were equipped with astate-of-the-art, fully secured surveillance system, but ourprivacy agreement was legally airtight, allowing our guests tofreely indulge without fear of exposure or blackmail.

“Does watching all of thismake sex—”

“Way less interesting?” theguard finished for me. “Yes.”

“I suppose too much of agood thing…” I didn’t finish my sentence. Had being with mefull-time for twenty-four hours made me too much of a good thingfor Charlotte? “Anyway, thank everyone for how they’ve looked outfor her, will you?”

“I’ll put it in the log,”the guard promised, and I left.

When I arrived back at the house,Charlotte was in the shower. I knocked on the door, not wanting tostartle her.

“Matt?” she called, and Iwent inside. She peered through the steamy glass and her face litup. “It’s hard to get lube out of your hair!”

“I know.” I wasn’t a hugefan of that particular tactile sensation. “Did you have a goodtime?”

She opened her mouth to tell me buthesitated in making the words come out.

“It’s okay,” I reassuredher. “I’m not going to get jealous. I brought you here so you coulddo wild stuff.”

She grinned. “Yeah, I hadan amazing time. But also, I’m kind of sore now.”

“Sounds like you had aproductive evening,” I teased her.

“I got fisted for the firsttime ever!” she blurted happily.

There was no other responseto that than, “Congratulations!”

She laughed and ducked backunder the water. I watched the shampoo suds slide down her hair,onto her back and I wanted to touch her. God, I wanted to touchher.Too much of a good thing.

“Leave it running whenyou’re done,” I said, unbuttoning my shirt.

“You can get in now,” sheoffered, blinking under the spray.

“No, I’ll let you have yourspace.” I pulled my shirt and undershirt over my head and tossedthem into the soft-sided laundry hamper under the sinkcounter.

She stepped out of theshower and reached for a towel, tucking it around her breasts. “Areyou going to tell me what you got up to?”

“If you want toknow.”

“I wouldn’t have asked,”she pointed out.