Wimbledon there was haulingsome heavy equipment, and Summer Camp’s breasts had symmetry andvolume rarely seen in the wild.

“Do you feel harassed,Nate?” Matt asked, tilting his head.

“No, sir.”The blond had an Australian accent.Holy mother of…

“And you, Natalie?” Mattchecked with the woman.

“It’s our job to pleaseyou.” She smiled, wide and devilish. “It’s what you hired usfor.”

It was starting to cometogether in my mind. “So, wait, the people who work at theresort…”

“Are sex workers, yes.”Matt pushed back from the table a little and pointed to the floorin front of him. “I thought you read the handbook. Nate, if youwould be so kind?”

“Always.” The man moved tokneel between Matt’s legs and, before my disbelieving eyes, graspedMatt’s cock and ran his tongue around the head.

I had read the handbook.More than once. “I don’t remember anything about hired—”

“Natalie?” Matt said andmotioned her toward me.


“You know what?” Matt said,holding up a hand. “I think Charlotte came to class unprepared. Sheneeds to be punished.”

I squeezed my thighstogether, hoping that my punishment wasn’t that Natalie wouldn’t godown on me. My mouth went dry as I watched Matt’s cock grow quicklyerect in Nate’s helping fist.

Natalie went inside andreturned with two sets of heavy-duty leather cuffs. “Will these do,sir?”

He nodded and slid down alittle in his chair. “Arms and legs, good and tight. I don’t wanther to be able to move.”

I swallowed hard. This washow we were starting the morning? I hadn’t even had coffeeyet.

Natalie secured one cuffaround my wrist, then brought the long chain around the back of thechair. Once my other wrist was secure, there was nowhere to go. Icould barely reach the ends of the chair’s arms. She used a similartrick to bind my ankles, open wide and pulled back so that the topsof my bare feet touched the stone, and my heels pressed into theback legs of the chair. If I didn’t want to topple over, I had toarch my back and perch my ass on the edge of my seat.

“There. Not the mostcomfortable position, but that’s why it’s a punishment,” Matt said,still calmly puffing away while Nate sucked and slurped along theunderside of Matt’s dick.

Natalie took something fromthe table, then stepped between my legs. “You have a great body,”she said, and lifted a honey bear bottle, drizzling a line ofsticky gold across the tops of her breasts and over her nipples.She leaned down, bringing those incredible tits tantalizingly closeto my face.

“Lick it off,” she invitedme. “Go on.”

I tried to crane my neckforward to reach her, but I couldn’t.

“Oh no.” She pretended tobe surprised. “That’s not going to work, is it? And now I’m allsticky.”

“I can help you,” Mattsuggested.

With a little smirk, shewalked to stand beside him and leaned over him. I made an outragedgasp as he locked eyes with me and took her nipple into his mouth,tugging it with his teeth. He swiped his tongue over her glowingskin, which I knew would feel as soft as butter. And he held mygaze until every bit of the honey was cleaned from her, all whileshe purred and moaned at the attention.

“This is my punishment?” Iasked. “Having to watch you have a threesome?”

“Having to watch and notparticipate,” he corrected me, laying one hand on the back ofNate’s bobbing head. “Having to watch and not touch yourself. I betyou’re throbbing right now.”

I was, but I didn’t want togive him the satisfaction of winning.

When did this become acompetition?

Matt nodded to Natalie, and she walkedback to me, her hips swaying. Whether it was her job or not, theway she clenched her thighs with each step told me she loved thecareer path she was on. I wondered if she was as turned on as Iwas.

I got my answer when she boostedherself up on the table in front of me, her ass right on my plate.She spread her thighs, revealing a waxed bare pussy that glistenedconch-shell pink.